This might possibly be best time to load up on GNS if you haven’t already

This might possibly be best time to load up on GNS if you haven’t already.
t. Knower

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>won't go over $4 until the giganigga whale gets his huge cut

user, all those whales are gone

There's the unmigrated 800k whale

800k is LITERALLY nothing

It's nearly the largest human holder and can tank the price 40% in one sell
marketcap != actual money in the coin

we plebs can only dream of such a scenario. imagine $2 gns, im cooming just thinking about it

800k gns is 2.6mil usd. cope more faggot. who knows maybe he has even more wallets. who knows it might even be seb

He dumped 5MILLION tokens over the course of 10 months. All his wallets are tracked. 800k gns is spread through different wallets. He’s going to dump 800k in a single sell order just because…WELL JUST BECAUSE user TOLD SO.

Imagine lping this

How to track whale wallets
>t. newlet

GNS whale or just in general?
Use blockchain explorer. It’s all public info user

Yeah, in general. Especially when it comes to shit coins.

Do you mean ethscan e.g.?

polyscan, majority of % holders are whales. Just look at how much each wallet holds, the distribution is atrocious. Reason is, loads have farmed Gfarm2 in the past. You are not early, you are exit liquidity for those that farmed. This is the redpill, the ones convincing you otherwise will refute this by saying "NOO you just want cheap GNS". No i wont provide exit liquidity.

Go to etherscan/polygonscan etc. You could also use which shows all other networks

Whale wallet. He doesn’t have any ether to bridge, sell, etc. safe to assume this whale is done for now

Though i have to admit the tokenomics are good and the project itself is great as well. but the distribution is totally fucked so if you want to take the risk of getting dumped on its up to you. majority of shills are high % holders so DYOR.

The distribution is decent imo

>the reason is
The reason is get they fees. Which is why every dip gets eaten by other top holders.
And yes, you just want more cheapies.

Thanks, anons. Really kind of you. Will check it out.

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This fud is so bad.
We burn 50.000GNS every say and the Seconds Trading Contest has Not even started.
You know that Polygon itself Sponsors the pricepool?!
You think they would do IT with a scamtoken.

So If a whale wants to dell fast or slowly, the contract will buy all bis coins in a month or less.
With a Low price we even burn more.

You know gns staking is coming in q2 22?!
Rewards start with 10% of the LP and increases over time.

The Roadmap is awesome for this year. The burn alone will Pump this tokens.

I dont know what a suicidestack will be but i try to accumulate 10k Gns.
If we Hit 2$, nice it will eaten fast like the Others Dips.

Only fud is the scammy Name, Rest is perfect.
The Dev is a beast and fuckin Polygon, which got 450Mio$, is backing this.

Dont let the fud win again, like when Link was 0,25$ for months.

This is (was) the biggest whale on the project.
At the peak he had almost 6 mil GNS, now he has 1 mil.

Take this information as you see fit.

Attached: gfarm.jpg (561x651, 147.68K)

When is single sided staking coming?