Just wait until the lefties find out Strongnode can replace centralized server farms and completely remove their carbon...

Just wait until the lefties find out Strongnode can replace centralized server farms and completely remove their carbon footprint while still being a faster way to process data

Attached: 1641878182445.png (631x513, 187.66K)

Just wait until the lefties find out that your shitcoin is nothing but an endless larp of bullshit and nothing else

Okay I'll bite.

Let's say your shit actually does all that.
Then what?
You trying to tell me there's going to be people who will actually fall for it and adopt it and move into this?

Did you forget that safety and trust is going to be a major concern?

Did you not realise that no matter how fucked things are - there's going to be no return from centralised situations?

>literally how?

Attached: 1644924888103.png (119x128, 4.7K)

The bigger of a situation and concern it is becoming - the greater the need for decentralisation arises. web3, defi, metaverse, blockchain - heck even crypto has been introduced to navigate control issues

The insane amount of buzzwords make me want to cry


OP, go suck a bag of dicks.

it isn't going to be a problem? I mean everyone's switching to DeFi so um, there has to be a reason for that right?

Strongnode is actually a platform that let's you use up energy from the idle devices already connected to the network.
Which means you don't generate fresh energy and use up resources but just redistribute the ones that are going to waste.

>Okay I'll bite.

It is, but most people don't realise the number of safety issues it comes with

but why would i want to give up my idle resources, not like they come for free or something? i don't get the idea

You do get compensated for the resources being used up.
You get paid out in the SNE token.

this image scares me

Carbon footprint is necessary, why would you want to hide what you're doing? Shady..

so like what are the rewards?

You get strong rewards. A pretty good side income option ngl, check it out if you want to send your kids to a decent college


i would like to suck one or the other, ngl at this point i just want someone to love

Paid shill thread

Scamming until some billionaire gets off your ass and donates millions of dollars to make your lie a reality?

He is literally the son of chad and trollface

sne has good plans, optimization on this scale usually takes years, be patient