I am fucking lost, will get fired from Mcdonald soon too, is this to end for me or once I get live a better life...

I am fucking lost, will get fired from Mcdonald soon too, is this to end for me or once I get live a better life, Meme has burnt me, what should i ape now

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you will die poor bobo, meme is now the new metaverse with every project doing it

I made money with shib and tons of it. you will just stay poor pathetic and pajeet always

privacy is going mainstream man, I might ape in some scrt or monero

You'll keep burning, if care isn't taken, you fag of an OP. Ape in something powerful around privacy coins and be safe, including your ass

monero is dead shit, they even don't have a smart contract
I have burnt my hands at as well.

nothing is more powerful than my ass haha, it can be used secretly
I love their stahhapp , private girl nudes can be the next big thing

just stake to big coins, eth, btc and sol and ada or luna

who gives you the advice Ranjeet
hah fucking shit man, its good you can control over the private metada

Just because you've made money with shib and tons of other shitcoins doesn't mean you're not an asshole who REKT investors out of their hard earned money

VC has invested a staggering 400 million dollars in scrt and 450 in a polygon, I am wondering which is better.

I'm not sure I'll go with Monero, but I might consider SCRT because of its native programmable privacy by default.

Privacy preserving is the future, user.

What's metada? Watch your keyboard, user. We are trying to make sense here.
If you mean private metadata, then that's meaningful, and I can say Stashh as the first private NFT marketplace has that feature

What's your reason for saying that? Is privacy going mainstream? What? Why?

Secret and Monero have something powerful in common - it's privacy.

The first Alpha test for Orbem War, the first P2E game on scrt, is scheduled for February.

Yes, I am interested in anything related to privacy and access control. That is why i like Private NFTs.

Yeah they support both private and public meta data, user. And give you full access control over your own NFTs.

That's a fact that make me respect all the projects.
I used to always think about it this way; Monero is to Bitcoin what Secret Network is to Ethereum.

I like scrt Blackbox tools. It allows you to receive and send funds privately without revealing your wallet address. How that sound?

You must be talking about Stashh because that's its major characteristics.

You're gonna die poor faggot. That is what you get for fucking with memes

Sounds like a normal thing to create. Where's the BlackBox project based? Or it's on its own blockchain?

That is going to be really helpful in Canada. If things go south, Canadians will use the Scrt blackbox

Hello eastern europoors, or jeets, or chinks.

Can someone send me a link to the tg or discord? Thanks

That is interesting. I have been meaning to get on p2e gaming for a while, I am going to begin with Orbem wars

I think he's referring to Stashh. This is the only market place that I am aware of where you can mint, buy, or sell private NFTs.

The privacy features of Scrt are going to make the metaverse a lot more interesting.

Stashh app is going to be huge. It made it super easier for anons to mint scrt NFTs

I believe I saw this on the scrt twitter handle. It came out in early February.

I prefer SCRT to monero because scrt powers private Dapps. That is why cool apps like Alter exist

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