Actual I CREATE POVERTY (Ticker: ICP) fud thread

Hey fellow ICP bros, lets have a thread where we discuss actual, legit fud.

Does ICP not have atomic swaps? According to the docs, canisters have the ability to call other canisters.

However, on the only AMM swap thats active right now, Sonic, doesn't use these intercanister calls, and instead cuts them up into multiple calls, so it could possibly fail in between calls, leaving the end user to fix the failed transactions themselves.

So either atomic swaps don't exist on ICP, or the Sonic devs are too dumb to implement it. Hopefully its the latter, because otherwise the former would mean a lot of defi, such as flashloans, would not exist on ICP.

What are your thoughts?

Attached: 1643404137670.gif (400x224, 1.11M)

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come on sam, help me out here

Attached: loss66.png (1192x926, 214.54K)

Fudders are getting smart it seems

not an argument

Attached: 1643030185382.png (678x168, 17.78K)

My thoughts are that you are a gigantic faggot.

People are still new to how ICP development works. Give it time

But Coin in Worst position No coin in crypto such dermatatical down 98%© I must beleive work on this should be innovation

no one could refute the fud, guess this is actually a problem.
time to market sell my bags at a loss. see you guys at $1

Icp has no working product.

I like the anti FUD. Dfinity ONLY has a working product.

So many fud threads up today

anyone got that vocaroo link? you know the one...


KEK thanks fren

ICP is a rugged shitcoin.

I thought the icp team was still figuring out how to allow icp transfers. I’m assuming this is a workaround method

Buy btc flower on entrepot

Atomic swaps need not be done in one transaction, do they?

ugh fuck that gay video

Kyle's working on an Invoices canister, which will be the "official" way to transfer ICP. But there are a couple ways you can do it already.