Currently in a crypto conference with a Swiss Crypto company...

Currently in a crypto conference with a Swiss Crypto company. Best question posted here gets asked and answer posted here.

Attached: btc eth icp.jpg (1200x801, 70.37K)

ask what they think the icy piss price will be eoy

what jpeg should i buy

Is Bitcoin an IOU or a commodity?

Why should regular retards accept tge metaverse?

Do better than that faggots

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 10.29.30.png (2608x1116, 988.51K)

depends on what sort of conference it is, if it's just a generic ICP related conference then I would legit be interest to know how/when they're planning to expand marketing and communications. Dom has mentioned it before but can they give any detail or is this more something for 2023 and after?

Dom is going to expand this. It is not ICP specific however you can be sure the key issues they are talking about ICP will be huge


We already came to the conclusion that you are a faggot.

Imagine lacking so much creativity that instead of taking this opportunity you post this.

nice...let us know what he says, up to now he has just said 'we need to expand marketing we are R&D heavy' and that's it.

refute the fud
>protip: you can't

Attached: morefud.png (912x253, 51.94K)

The most interesting thing about this is that it looks like eth is losing its market share..

People are sleeping on binance but I think that might flip eth. The only advantage eth has is as first mover (different first mover to btc) but it's absolutely pissing it away in fees.

What are the current plans for physical assets to be moved into the crypto space? Do we have the ability to currently work with law makers in order to put legal titles aka deeds for various real estate on the blockchain for proof of ownership, nullifying theft and fraud in this field?

stay here it's nearly over and i will share some

Ask them poo poo pee pee

asked this

Bsv already won guys this isn’t good

Ask them is coffee good for you?
OR ....Do you sneed before feed or feed before sneed?

Are they sleeping on AVAX?

wen moon sir

Attached: tiredpajeetsquashesfly.jpg (277x182, 6.02K)

Op, ask em what they think about Vitaliks X chain statement. Do they think bridging is a viable option, or is the security risk too high? Also, what do they think of Algos new state proofs?

This will be answered in a blog shortly. I will send it to you. Post a burner email.

Questions ended unfortunately

How do I know you're not a LARP? what should I invest in and why? Thoughts on LCX, ICP, CRO, SHIB, and AVAX?

What is the most promising use case they see for decentralized blockchains? voting, data storage, e commerce, smart contracts, oracles ?

great question. Sorry I couldn't ask it

no problem mate, there is always a next time.

I am invested in ICP and have some CRO for the card. LCX seems like it has connections. SHIB is a shitocin and I think the tech with ICP BTFO AVAX. My 2c fren

I will create a thread earlier next time and inform you guys that it's coming in advance. Why am I doing this anons well I found Link here now I have crypto with a custodian and have made it.