Is 10% of your portfolio going into crypto too much or just right?

Is 10% of your portfolio going into crypto too much or just right?

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It's way too little

fuck hamburglar looking rough af fr fr

Most professionals recommend only 1-5% though.

10% of your portfolio should be XMR alone

Try 0%


Everything depends on your circumstances and future plans. You shouldn't be making decisions based on any kind of generic, sweeping advice.

It's a speculative asset. I treat it like a hobby and don't use retirement contributions for speculation. My hobby budget has always been 10% of wages + 100% of overtime + 100% of net income from any hobby business or side gig.

At this point it's 30% of my portfolio. No reason to rebalance, it's all hobby money to me.

Cryptocurrency is far too volatile and unpredictable to safely and responsibly invest in. Depending on how much risk you are willing to expose yourself to, 10% is the absolute maximum anyone should even consider. 3-5% is probably the most sensible option.

Have got 50% in QANX ALGO BTC and ETH

Depends on how much you are earning faggot

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Only if you're smart. I have 95% of my NW in crypto. I've been a gambler since as long as I can remember and I'm all or nothing. fk it.

>50% crypto ($150k)
>50% MTG/Pokemon cards ($150k)

1k into crypto, 10k into cards. Plus an infinite number of hours learning every autistic detail imaginable.

i have 100% into icrypto


If you're poor and aren't 100% in crypto you're ngmi. Even if you're rich, holding various stables is better than fiat in a bank simply because the bank can't use your money for Judaism and it pays better interest.

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I'm 50%.

>(((the professionals))) that told me not to get into it to begin with tell me to get in but just a little bit
hehehe good goy

Go big (100%) or go home (0%). Midwits get BTFO

if this is your attitude, you might as well start executing bankers. But that's illegal so please don't do it. :)

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