Infinite supply

>infinite supply

Attached: 328.png (200x200, 4.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>more scarce than BTC for 20 years
>inflation trends to 0
>governments of truckers can't blacklist you

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>nooo not the honkin' combining tail emission and dynamic block size to create a smart and elegant incentive solution for long term network security and scaling
>highschool math limits? we bittards not too smart, we can't process that. numberino stay heckin' samerino!!!

btc will be dead with last coin mined as there will be no incentive to mine anymore

centralized too

Attached: monero.jpg (594x674, 53.12K)

That’s in 2140

Everyone alive today will be long dead

gold and monero (possibly) will be still alive
btc's goal is to replace gold right?

also this whole 'unlimited supply' fud is just retarded
the problem with fiat inflation is that it isn't predictable - gubbermint can print any amount at will
even gold is worse that monero because it's not fully predictable
monero's emission is fully predictable, slow and small and it being 'unlimited' has real purpose (securing the network forever)
limiting supply of btc was probably the worst thing Satoshi did - it serves no purpose other than cool marketing phrase

Not selling you my bags

it's fallen to 40%

bullish FUD

Not my problem. So basically we all know this is a decades long ponzi.

average iq on Any Forums is like 93, what do you expect

>infinite supply
Holy shit you niggers are desperate. the noose is getting tighter lmao

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there will never be infinite coins because that would require infinite time

>infinite stupidity

all this cope for a trivially 51% attackable altcoin fork with a shady past being banned from everywhere, flooded with false decoy translations, and a scattering userbase

>more scarce than BTC
Everyone that receives this shit swaps it for BTC, ETH or USD the next second. Unless they're jackasses. Your obscure shitcoin is NOT decentralized.

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sex with monerochan

Attached: RDT_20210709_1010204563805552131922075.png (364x364, 5.07K)

>btc's goal is to replace gold
No it isn't, what the fuck are you talking about? Read the whitepaper.

>buy high sell low
yes, we are coping alright. Want to explain why Monero id displacing Bitcoin on the darknet glownigger?