Why is crypto's volume so low and barely 30-50% more than what it was in 2020 when nobody cared about crypto despite...

Why is crypto's volume so low and barely 30-50% more than what it was in 2020 when nobody cared about crypto despite the market being up about 7-10 times?

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Check Shiba Inu volume right now.

Because BTC gets weaker by time. Each bullrun it X's less. Diminishing returns. Hence less trades are made overall.

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Check google trends as well. Public interest is down 75% from ath, and is barely half of what it was at peak 2017/2018.

because this is a bear market and we're in denial

If this is a bearmarket then I'm mega comfy all the way to 20k Bitcoin

Both buyers and sellers are exhausted

Market has been crabbing for a month and we're all bored waiting for something to happen

itt: newfags

Imagine a cow in your mind. Okay? Now try rotating it.

wtf are you saying

Normie money is in NFT scams

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Nobody wants to buy or sell at these prices. Either some whales will dump and spur buying or some will pump and trigger sales.
Right now feels just like it did when we were last around 52k.

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2/22/2022 screenshot this wagmi and fuck NIGGERS

normies can't afford the gas fees

They waste money all the time on shit like starbucks so fees are probably no problem to them,they just like to complain that they don't have any money

>5 dollars starbucks
>Hundreds possibly thousands in minting and trading on gas alone
you are not competing with normies. you are competing with other moonboys like you.

you're also competing against ETH whales who probably account for 90% of all NFT volume. The day they decide it's time to pull out is the day ETH goes sub-1k

I'm not competing against anything I just want my carefully selected magic internet money coins get picked up by normies so I can dump on them but it seems like they are obsessed with NFT's

All the buying is happening OTC

But i wont deny staking stablecoins on Freeway platform.

You probably haven't check freeway network i guess