What keeps you up at night?

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Crippling depression and Any Forums.

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I work 24/7

joint pain

nothing i sleep like baby

stummy ache

im baby


Bot threads like this


The wind.

My girl friend cheated on me and left me 2 years ago. I feel like i'm never good enough bros. Why would she leave me for someone else? This has unironically killed myself confidence and made me feel not good enough, I am barely getting my confidence back

I want to marry but the chance of her turning out to be a bitch is high.


Shibagholders shibagholding shibags to shibzero keeps me up at night.

fear, uncertainty and doubt (unironically)

kek based schizo

scrolling through biz and pol

I'm only 5'10
Not even joking I wished I was tall for 5 years now, stunted my growth



I genuinely love him and miss his eyes, but even after all this time…I realize he isn’t ready, user.