I’m the new guy at my office and my coworkers asked me to get drinks with them a month in...

I’m the new guy at my office and my coworkers asked me to get drinks with them a month in. I said no I’m just gonna go workout. I told my brother this and he laughed over the phone and said I was a social retard and that I fucked up badly.

Now i’m sad. What did I do wrong??

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Saying no implies you don’t like them. You are retarded

they wanted to hang out to get to know you better. you basically told them no. it could either be chad or virgin of you, depending on your perspective

Lmfao dumb ass

Fuck those faggots

you should have got drinks with them tard

If by workout, you meant "I'm going straight home to browse Any Forums." then I find this believable.

Wtf. But my gym schedule? I can go another time

They're your coworkers, not your friends. I hate this stupid idea that you can just ask out your coworker like you're long time buddies or something. An acquaintance of mine has invited me to different things and I've turned him down every time. Just come up with some excuse like "oh, I'm gonna be busy that day" or "oh, sorry, I'm trying to drop alcohol and if I go to a bar it'll make me relapse". You're not obligated to spend time with them, what you are obligated to do is to remind them of the fact.

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you should have offered them the other time retard

Drinking is for losers. You did good

Idk someone told me it’s really important to seem like you like your coworkers at first. He got serious with me though and said next time to go though and make up for it

yeah i know i fucked up. think they’ll remember?

you don’t do it for them, you do it for, the whole point of hanging out is to establish rapport and reduce workplace tension, which is in your interest you fucking retard, now you will be seen as the office weirdo and will get relegated the shit work and less opportunities for advancement

no, but chances are they won't offer it to you again unless you do it first

you said no because you didn't wanna drink in this specific day. actually, you demonstrated without knowing that you have your own opinion and your own time and that is an alpha behaviour.

but of course, next time say yes because some social is important in life.

Fuck em.

yeah I figure next week i’ll jump to it and when i overhear them making plans i’ll basically invite myself. This shit has got me paranoid. Honestly bros I’m getting so into my routine I impulsively turned it down automatically because I cared about my gains. It’s only after I realized I was new etc.

I think this is partially true but maybe I can salvage it. I’m kinda awkward at work but I don’t think I come off as a creep or weird, I’m decently attractive and can crack jokes, I’m just kinda quiet. This outing involved other teams though too so I guess that was an opportunity

I did this too. I would have gone but couldnt afford a flight

There will be no office tension if you're not a socially stunted retard. I can blend in with normalfags just fine and can carry on a conversation well enough, but I happen enjoy my alone time. Maybe practice laughing and nodding your head and they won't give you weird looks like you're some retarded kid. You really aren't some retarded kids, right?

Jesus I’m not that socially retarded I’m just a little awkward

wrong. your brother is a beta cuck.
too much. don't need to be so weird either.
wrong also. they will naturally be curious about him and ask again if he is carismatic enough.

He doesn't know, but he create escarcity of his presence at first.
Manipulate people is easy when you know the triggers.

I don’t think this works if you’re not attractive and a chad. Like don’t get me wrong I’m decent looking but I am socially stunted. Don’t think i’m giving off sigma vibes

you said the wrong thing. that said, who cares. i get along well with my coworkers at work but ive never once hung out with them outside of work.

what should i have said?