In just two months 30 year home loans rose from 2.8% to over 4%. The fed has not started hiking rates, 7 increases anticipated in 2022..Hope you CHUDS didn't buy a house. By next year your cucksheds will be worth 20%-30% less. KEK!!!


Attached: mortgage rates.jpg (786x745, 95.64K)

It's okay I will just raise rent prices.


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I locked mine in at 2.875%

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a 30% crash puts housing prices back to where they were two years ago

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user you will have to lower rent prices. Increasing rent prices only works when housing prices increase. If the economy is in a recession and people can't afford homes you won't be getting more rent money

>financial crisis 2008 killed my career at the time
>spent the past decade building up a new career
>housing crisis
>retarded NIMBYs making it impossible to build houses anymore
>Trump/Biden took the brakes off the money printing press
>wage devaluation during historically unprecedented housing crisis in north America and 40% rent increases looming all over the country
And then they wonder why there are so many mass shooters in US. They do everything in their power to prevent normal people from getting ahead with their non-stop Jewery and then wonder why everybody is pissed off and ready for violence.

but did you overpay? because soon you might be underwater on your loan. Meaning you paid more than what its worth. Some are predicting that 30 year rates could spike to 7% this year

im waiting for the moment
maybe in a few years

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>sorry goy but economic downturns every 10 years is an inescapable part of modern economic theory

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Does this mean housing prices will go down?

This is bullshit and will never happen.

The west literally produces nothing of value but speculation on the prices of cardboard boxes (formally known as houses)
Like the entire GDP of the entire worth is based on how much a chink is willing to put down on a house

Lowering house prices might as well be the same as shorting the entire western world
It would lead to a soviet union style collapse overnight.

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Nah... I think I'll raise rent prices. People need shelter and demand for available shelter goes up when people lose homes that they can't afford. Supply goes down while demand goes up. Basic shit, rentie.

They certainly won't increase

To be fair these crashes also help Smart poor people become smart rich people.

This. The correlation between interest rates and housing prices is not as straigtforward. Current high prices are caused by a supply shortage which will not go away.

The economic downturns would be fine if shit got cheaper during them as well, but no, during economic downturns the government just prints trillions and hands it to corporations so they can keep paying their employees shitty wages, give their executives multi-million dollar bonuses and not reduce prices on anything, ever.
Getting rich off crypto isn't smart, it's lucky. Only fools think gambling is smart - and anybody with money to invest seriously after 2008 wasn't poor to begin with.

First refer to the parabolic increase on the mortgage average in the 70s and then look at the red line.

You'll end up with shitty renters that trash the place and dead beat the rent till you're forced to evict them. Better to have good renters at a lower rent rate that stay longer and keep the property up.

High interest vs low price and low interest vs high price kinda pan out to be the same. I’m sure there’s math to prove one is better than the but I’d be willing to bet low interest/higher price is the preferred long term option. Idk though, I might just be coping

yes but rates will spike so the monthly payments will be double on a house with a lower value. In other words a house that is now worth 950,000 USD and costs $3,600 a month with 20% down, will soon be worth 750,000 USD but cost $5,000 a month with 20% down payment. Because rates will soon be 6-8% on a 30 year loan

>soon you might be underwater on your loan
Without USURY, one can never be 'underwater' or 'upside down' on a loan.

>Current high prices are caused by a supply shortage that will not go away

Why do you think (((They))) are importing millions of illegal immigrants. To keep real estate prices high. Now prices will stay high and rates will rise making the goyim permanent renters. If you don't own a house now, you are perpetually fucked. We all got sold out and did nothing about it

Immigration works both ways.
While retards come to the west to live in cuck pods, I go to the east to live on my private 50 acre Dacha

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>You'll end up with shitty renters that trash the place and dead beat the rent till you're forced to evict them
It's okay I'll stipulate that they get renters insurance and list me as loss payee + keep the security deposit + call the cops to handle any extra problems.