It's okay for companies to exploit 3rd world labour but

When I want to hire someone from india to cook and clean for me at 20 dollars per day, that's "unethical" and legally not allowed.

Explain this.

Attached: png-clipart-pepe-the-frog-feeling-know-your-meme-frog-love-animals.png (900x512, 15.42K)

you must be jewish or an approved shabbos to exploit/import 3rdies

How about you address the issue instead of being low IQ retard "hmm actually you are jew hmm actually you're triggering me" both of these sides are low IQ dipshits.

Just get a maid from Texas, they’re basically Mexican and are legal

Still not as cheap. I'd rather want some person from Bangladesh and pay them 5 dollars per day, while they cook, clean, wipe my ass while I play vidya. Why is it okay for companies to exploit 3rd world brown labour but for average individuals can't exploit them? It's beneficial for all parties.


He answered and I responded to exactly why.
What's the problem there?

Your response was dismissal and projection. And you are looking to pilpul now.

Dismissal sure but it's obviously not the same level of exploitation than 3rd world labour than some random Mexican in Texas. I don't know what projection is with my last response on that, pretty werid to add that.

Do you think that's similar to going around calling people Jews to any conversation?

>pretending it can't read
>posting like every jew posts on 4ch
Just stay on leftypol, you can pretend to have an actual conversation there

you're wasting your energy
just call the jew a jew and move on

There are literally scores of chinese committing suicide because of the horrible conditions in Apple Iphone making facilities

>call out low IQ Jew calling
>get mad over it and pretend a direct response or dismissal of an argument is the same as autistically calling people Jews and calling it a day
Get mad but you know you're being npc tier of low IQ when all you do is call people Jew and move on. Defending that is even more pathetic. If you want to do that without criticism do it on Any Forums where it's a safe space for your types.

Sounds great. I'd want a low wagie Chinese worker that does all my house work for me and then jumps off a bridge. I can then buy a new one.

Holocaust didn't happen but it should have

Hold up there white boy

just kys
im tired of humoring you lolbertarian faggots

It happens all the time inside your whore mom. By the entire neighborhood apparently.

Kike mad

>lashes out when someone correctly says the holocaust didn't happen
>totally isn't a jew though

>20 dollars per day
that's quite generous for india