Be me, have debilitating social anxiety from years of childhood bullying by adults

>be me, have debilitating social anxiety from years of childhood bullying by adults
>had to fight with all the kids too so now I'm just a complete shut in at 24
>load up a Modern Warfare match with 2v2 snipers only
>there's a girl on my team
>consider leaving the game because I'm so nervous, decide to stay
>she gets 5 kills
>finally I muster "ughm you're pretty good... heh"
>"thanks" obviously she's really shy and depressed too by the way she sounds
>send her a friend request after we win
>from then on we play everyday
>I learn that she's a detective and the British MIT and US CIA consult her expertise for all sorts of cases that they can't solve
>she's 18 too
>she even plays with dominoes or chess with pro players while talking to inspectors
>mfw she is now getting paid millions to solve all kinds of complicated crimes while I'm just playing Modern Warfare all day
>she recently gave birth to our third child, he has the highest IQ confirmed by doctors, around 220 which is more than his siblings

Crypto or being rich had literally nothing to do with me being happy. It's not a meme. Being rich doesn't make you happy. Finding someone who is just as autistic and quiet as you, is what will make you happy. In hindsight I think she just needed someone to talk to and feel loved, she was barely able to talk at all before meeting me and her voice was so quiet but now she talks to me all the time. And we don't have to talk all the time either we can just be quiet while cuddling or playing video games.

So to conclude. Don't try to make it. Don't look at charts all day. All you have to do is find someone with the same characteristics as you who is a virgin and just as autistic. Real love will bring you happiness, not fake numbers on a screen.

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Beautiful story user. Gamers always win in the end

Not gonna lie, somehow the combination of your greentext and the way you write emanates that old school "big dick" energy. Maybe the girl also subconsciously sensed it while gaming with you

I have that I still want money
Being rich is important, I'd rather travel the world with my aspengers anxious qt than stay home and work all day thanks
Being happy and being rich are irrelevant

my wife, the person I finally gave my heart and love to left me last month. I've been dead inside ever since. Last night she spent an hour and a half telling me how much she doesn't want to be back together.

Faggot you found the unicorn and now you expect every user to find a unicorn?
We don't have your luck where playing some shitty game will give us our unicorn. Best we can do is improve physically, financially, mentally and maybe then hope for a girl who isn't a complete trainwreck.
What a shit thread.
It's obviously a larp but incase it isn't, I hope she leaves your faggot ass.

bring wealthy doesn't solve your real problems, just your trivial ones
but if its not making you happier, then youre just not rich

of course its a larp, retard. the point is the premise is also wrong.

What the fucking LARP schizophrenic fantasy is this? Lmao, 18 year old girl consulting the CIA, take your meds schizo

lol did you really believe her user? that's pretty cute and endearing honestly. i think i believe you because you actually believed her

This is the fantasy they feed boys to pacify them into being betas
>one day accidentally you’ll meet a great girl
It doesn’t fucking happen. No cool girl will suddenly approach you like in anime or hollyjew flicks. The reality is you’re being primed for a 28-35 roastie tricking you into beta providing and a life of loveless hell

it's times like these i realize how lucky i got to meet my virgin waifu at 19

>he’s still an emotional condom to his ex
Why would she? You satisfy her needs without her needing to do anything for her

>dude a depressed FEMALE 18 year old detective working with MIT and CIA is playing Modern Warfare and then we marry and have three children
100% true larp am i rite

this thread is the biggest sell signal i have seen in ten years observation of this space. everyone please state your biggest bag so I can adjust my shorts.


Stop talking to her, she's gone.
Only time will make it better, but you must force yourself to do things, just waiting doesn't work.
This is the essence of all useful advice you're going to get. Good luck user, it won't be a fun journey.

>she's a detective and the British MIT and US CIA consult her expertise for all sorts of cases that they can't solve
>she's 18 too


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European hours are so werud

>incase it isnt
yeah 18 yo female being consulted by the MIT and CIA to solve difficult problems seems a bit sus rofl. Worst larp ever, don't get wtf op was going for here

I’m married for six years and I hate my wife she is such a bitch I wouldn’t even miss her if she left.

no way you dated a girl from cod, prove it faggot

Nice larp

>she even plays with dominoes or chess with pro players while talking to inspectors

I thought this bit was good, it got a chuckle out of me. but the whole larp needs a better narative structure, like some sort of problem or twist.