With regulations incoming, Would the High percentage Tax on crypto be reduced drastically?

With regulations incoming, Would the High percentage Tax on crypto be reduced drastically?
Plus, This should onboard new and huge investors from Traditional Finance. How prepared are we for this? How scalable is our tech? Loads of questions, little answers

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hahahah, we don't fucking want to be regulated user.

Nah!!! The US government would be the end of us, they want our fucking BTC.... Can we link DeFi to TradFi btw?

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on the other hand how the fuck is tradfi even getting into defi pajeet

Puppet BIDEN you meant, 50% tax was meant to deter us, but No, its only natural the US dollar fights back. they've created a monster hahahaha

there are a few projects like albt that are onboarding tradfi clients you retard do you research

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kek! the one that joined the openwealth association

No one wants regulation but sooner or later it would come.

Fucking twats, but we will come out strong with our BTC.

precisely my bastard alliance block is the one that joined the openwealth association and got mentioned by the credit suisse bank

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Monster? I wonder what the Monster here means.

so correct me if i'm wrong pajeet but albt joining the openwealth association means there are more opportunities for tradfi to enter defi or am i fucking tripping

There could be a possible bridge you know
How is this even possible, bad ass tech needs to be implemented you know, and DeFi has to grow pass this hack problems they are having

DeFi is still in the wild wide west situation you know, I feel we could do better as an institution plus, with the whole regulation thing, Could help accelerate that..

Well, with more growth in the industry, i believe DeFi will go on to be more secured.

very fucking true we do need badass technology but how is albt partnered with london stock exchange and in the openwealth association then
doesnt that mean tradfi in defi

albt as in alliance block right user aren't they the official bridge or some kek of ewt

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is it fucking weird that i only have albt for the single sided staking on bsc

WHAT is the Openwealth???? Damn! weird names in Finance

no it isnt fucking weird my bastard but why the single sided staking instead of the fundrs staking or lmaas pools

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How does regulations help make things any better? Have you seen government touch something and make it better.

isn't the fundrs staking n the eth network the fees fucking sucks balls

Definitely user, i wonder if you have heard of the Data Quasar product ALBT is coming with.

kek! correction the albt fundrs staking is on the eth and avax network so that's a fucking win

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lmao the moments of self realisation is absolutely fucking solid but that aside does anyone else get their albt from kucoin