How do you resolve a mid-life crisis

turned 25 today and realized I have nothing to show for it

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You have two years to figure it out before you join the 27 club. I'll tell you that much.

Everything goes down hill after 27. Once you hit 30 you’re basically a plant in everyone’s eyes

can confirm, im 30

Simple. Stop giving a shit about what other people think and where they are in their live. It's hard at first but it will get better. Live a frugal life.

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35 here. Should have joined the 27 club. Life is only a torment since then and it’s getting worse from day to day.

Reading this forum has made me realize one thing: most of you will end up committing suicide before the age of 40 because of untreated mental illness and the realization that you've wasted your life away on the Internet. You despise "wagecucks" and "normalfags" and try to achieve financial success over them, but in the end you'll realize it was all for nothing because millions of dollars can never offset a wasted life. The average "normalfag" is actually way more interesting than an autistic 4channer and leads a vastly richer life; you cope with this reality by thinking you're superior to them, but eventually you'll see that you were never all that different from them, and the difference that does exist isn't that you're more intelligent and "redpilled", it's that you're misanthropic and socially deficient. I'm sure you will deny this and call me all kinds of names in the replies, but deep down you know I'm right.

what is the 27 club?

But i am superior to them

Happy birthday user. Turned 28 today myself. Birthdays are just another day.

I hate normies (You) so much, it’s unreal.

>The average "normalfag" is actually way more interesting than an autistic 4channer
No. This part simply isn't true.

You will never be a woman

Same thing happened to me. I can't help you user

a bunch if actors who died at the age of 27, usually their peak youthfulness and stardom like James Dean and Kurt Cobain i think.

kek I love getting (you)s from fresh pasta, its literally copied word for word from another thread's OP

just wait till you turn 35 and you still have nothing to show for it because you gave up at 25 thinking it was already over. holy kek you have no idea

lmao still not wagecucking

cope by hating normies. they dont matter. life dont matter either.

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>Reading this forum
Stopped reading there

I am 30 and a plant, i neeg soil and water only.