Reading this forum has made me realize one thing: most of you will end up committing suicide before the age of 40...

Reading this forum has made me realize one thing: most of you will end up committing suicide before the age of 40 because of untreated mental illness and the realization that you've wasted your life away on the Internet. You despise "wagecucks" and "normalfags" and try to achieve financial success over them, but in the end you'll realize it was all for nothing because millions of dollars can never offset a wasted life. The average "normalfag" is actually way more interesting than an autistic 4channer and leads a vastly richer life; you cope with this reality by thinking you're superior to them, but eventually you'll see that you were never all that different from them, and the difference that does exist isn't that you're more intelligent and "redpilled", it's that you're misanthropic and socially deficient. I'm sure you will deny this and call me all kinds of names in the replies, but deep down you know I'm right.

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Yes except most like me will never even hit 5k before we kill ourselves, I'm 35 now and my mental distress is hitting new ATH in terms of misery I don't honestly think I can go another day
and leave god out of this conversation please.

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please stop posting this :(

Fuck off retard. Im gonna make it and buy me some new friends and holes to fuck

>I'm sure you will deny this and call me all kinds of names in the replies

Actually most of us are larping normies who find this shit funny. The people who are actually jobless skilless virgin losers don't realize they're the butt of the joke.
Just kidding, I'm larping as a normie.. what does sex feel like fellow Any Forumserinos?

>The average "normalfag" is actually way more interesting than an autistic 4channer and leads a vastly richer life
Yes because those people engaged in maximal consumerism and egotistical competitions over who had the best vacation are so "rich" and interesting.

That's probably true for many posters here, but some of us just want to make it so that we can work on things we actually enjoy without having to play pointless office politics. I for one just want to make enough to start a business and be my own boss.

damn bro why you gotta do me like that

If we're not socialites, then it's no good for us. I have some friends and it's literally a nothing burger. I'm not interested in gfs because my libido became weak and modern relationships are cuckoldry of all kinds.

You deny this but it's the plainest fact of all–money is everything.

Ur right to some extent, most posters here are autistic but those are only a fraction. All "normalfags" who browse Any Forums never post. Aka lurkers aint that bad, posters are cancer. But yes op, you thought you would get hate, but im pretty sure most here agree with u.

a distant ex friend of mine just killed himself recently at home, dont know how, dont know why, wasnt even really my friend he was just someone to smoke weed and talk to sometimes, damn im lonley, and for the most part it seemed like had more ahead of him. goddamnit im gonna fucking cry the dude was only 21 and im 21 next month FUCKK AAAAA AAA suicide is never the answer, there will be people who you interacted with earlier in life reading your obituary and sharing it on facebook, its not like they didnt care, its that too many people are too wrapped up in their own minds, non of this matters in the universe we live in, so why choose to die over living the rest of your sentience out? im sad anons. please everyone, if youre reading this and you feel depressed/sad, please dont give up hope, the present is the only moment so please live within it.
RIP Hunter D.

if you don't have several million thanks to crypto,
yes, you've wasted your time
otherwise, you've taken advantage of a once in a 100 year event


There's another way to approach this: Be a wagecuck - and a GOOD one, while you take your money and build investments. That way, your money makes money while you make money.

kek wagie cuck gorilla lipped knuckle-dragging nigger is nothin but a bike stealing bastard pavement ape baggie

i have several hundred dollars thanks to crypto

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enjoy your 2 cents wumao tranny faggot.

What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.

I recently mastered outputting my genetic information into your mother, feels pretty good