Launching a business - Video game company Play to earn

> Be me
> Have overwatch idea 5 years before overwatch
> basically Overwatch with animals instead of "heroes" in a 24 v 24 objective match
> only 15 yo
> Several years pass
> get play to earn idea
> only 21yo out of school with no money
> Play2earn games starts appearing
> be me now
> 26
> Have video game company idea with Play to earn game in mind
> would be a masterpiece
> No money, can't code and have bad graphisms

Anons, am I going to see my ideas pass in front of my life and look at other people get rich again? I can't stand it anymore.

Where can I find money without needing to sell parts of my company? Where can I find people willing to work without sharing my out of the world idea?

Attached: CommitSODUKU.jpg (300x168, 7.95K)

so learn to code, stop blaming the rich you fucking nigger

>Doesn't read the text
>Doesn't answer any question
>Doesnt give advice
>"Stop blaming the rich"

Damn, best NPC answer I've been given in the past 6 months. Thanks for nothing!

Attached: AngryNPCnoise.png (501x614, 49.22K)

i gave you a advice but ok

Have you tried not insulting random people on the internet just cause you can? Maybe that'll give you some good internet points

If you have a solid idea. Can manage a team. List a presale for you idea. If successful just subcontract the work

Damn that's more my profile. How would that work?

Mind i'm French and living in France, so would that still be possible here?

Just do everything remote. Use fivver/upwork. You would have to make a website>roadmap>whitepaper>list projects on dxsale for example if you reach the funding needed your set to go really.

My plan was to work on a "demo" version and try crowdfunding, and then hope to have enough to start something out of the crowdfunding.

Well I guess I should learn as much as possible on fivver/upwork and on how to build a project list on dxsale.

Thank you for the information user!

no worries. If you can create a demo 100% better you should defo fulfill the funds needed. Good luck user

Good to know, thanks for everything!

Welp guess it's time for me to work extra hours on learning unity to produce a demo

Attached: pepehappy.png (600x314, 105.25K)

Nice blog faggot, ideas are valueless until acted on. Your idea was completely worthless and still is because you don't have the skills to bring it to fruition. Now gb2r

refer to
also if you're going to be a massive faggot, try to roll for dubs to give a bit of relevance to your post, like this

Attached: rollerino.jpg (800x450, 56.43K)

You'll never be a real woman.

>7 billion people
> had to have 2 retards in my thread

Damn the chances were small, guess I'm lucky

I was in a similar position. Put my game idea on hold for about a year after some interest from coders on /r/inat and various discord servers because we could never agreed on equity/fixed cost.

Eventually so launched a DAO with daohaus which allowed me to assemble a team.

Remember, it’s better to own less of something worth a lot than 100% of something that isn’t worth shit.

Nah, you're just retarded. The other two guys are right, you're not entitled to anything for your ideas.

Be careful of overvaluing your ideas and undervaluing the importance of having strong enough coding/design/artwork skills to be best enable the execution of these ideas. Everyone has good ideas in the end. Execution is everything.
It is also basically impossible to get funding or even mere interest from others based upon ideas alone, so just do some learning on Unity and spend a year grinding on a good demo.
In the meantime, during this year, spend time networking and growing contacts on relevant sites and forums

Your ideas will rug. Would rather invest in glimmerswap genesis pool. Kek

I'm asking how to set-up an idea, not to tell me an unused idea is worthless.

But good god it's 4h30 pm in europe, which means it's 8am in most of america. which explains why the answer are getting worse and worse.

Let's hope jannies close the thread quick

Thanks for the advices! I already networked pretty well on the project, I just need to get down on the demo and get the first funds in.

Starting the unity grind tonight

Damn, best NPC answer I've seen in the past 6 months!