Micheal Burry, the man who first predicted the housing market crash of 2008...

Micheal Burry, the man who first predicted the housing market crash of 2008, believes now that the American market is inside of a speculative bubble and that many index funds/ETFs are highly overvalued. He is also worried about the rising inflation levels from the FED.
As a (18 yo noob) passive investor who really relies on index funds because I'm a poor and ignorant fuck, is it a good idea for me to transfer my positions to ETFs overseas?

Attached: michael-burry-a-l-avant-premiere-de-the-big-short-633243.png (1920x960, 2.59M)

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>As a (18 yo noob)
Your first lesson is that Burry is a faggot who got lucky one time and is now idolized because they made a movie about him

you are delusional. anyone who has been around more than 20 years knows the crash is inevitable.

Listen to Gregory mannarino
Not Micheal burry

stop watching the news
every couple weeks the media parades around another piece of burry fud. this has been going on for years.

The man who had Tesla puts, Facebook calls, sold his vast GME position before it 100x and told you to stay away from crypto in 2021. He's not wrong, just too early again, which in terms the incremental costs of missed opportunities is probably the same thing.

t. zh reader.

At this point Burry is becoming the same reddit tier person like Musk with an entire cult of blind practically underage twitter followers as if he's Jesus Christ himself with all of them following whatever he says as the only gospel there is.

Not to mention that he went from knowledgeable schizoposting to 9gag tier le head and shoulders twitter pic memes.
Michael Burry on SNL in a year

>Gregory mannarino
He’s a freemason.


There's an "ETF bubble" because of how standard the 401k --> ETF chain has become now. He's expecting 60's or 70's style investing where small caps get their time in the sun and that just doesn't happen anymore.

Read Grantham.

Shorting is the riskiest of all plays. Infinite loss potential but limited win potential. You are also betting against 150 years of it do go up. Timing that sort of thing is very hard especially when you know the government, which can print money, can print money.

Yeah, but not anyone can predict when it happens within 3 years accuracy. Michael Burry has been saying bubble for a decade now. Ignore him.

Most stocks go to 0. The indices represent the largest, highest momentum stocks, not the stock market as a whole. "The east india company will never go to 0, and only go up" someone probably said long ago.

you're 18 and have index funds?

i have to ask, is the brainwashing extremely severe in your household? do you guys watch the news every night, and your family talks about whatever the topical news headlines are?

Burry was talking about a bubble since 2019 retard. which was around the time he reactivated his fund. he also was talking about the undervalue of GME since Fall 2019.

> who got lucky one time
except he was successful before the big shittening

He started in 2017 apparently.

I have no idea what will happen with the markets, but Burry has gone full schizo in recent years. I wouldn't make decisions based on what he says.

>many index funds/ETFs are highly overvalued
in reference to what?
FIAT dollars????
finite asset / infinite asset

there is no bubble, the dollar is WORTHLESS