EU Plans for Digital Euro

>The European Commission says it will propose a bill to create a digital euro in 2023 – setting out the legal foundation for ongoing work by the European Central Bank.
>(Tech Radar)

>"If we don’t satisfy this demand, then others will do it" - ECB Executive Board member Fabio Panetta said.

>The ECB stated that the digital euro would not “replace cash” but “compliment it,” and would be “accessible to all citizens and firms."

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There's nothing they can do to make such thing palatable, reason I am in crypto is its uncensorable and government cannot print it

>There's nothing they can do to make such thing palatable
Create a wallet TODAY and get 500 ECBUCKS for FREEEEE!! And w'allah 99% of the population gets a wallet, then you just slowly introduce legislation that makes using cash and credit cards more cumbersome and annoying and you justify it by saying you're doing it for the environment and to empower women of color, then eventually you just sort of ban everything that's not ECBUCKS and at that point most of you citizens are already up in arms against cash and credit cards because they're harmful to women of color and the environment, somehow.

>Get a jab and win 500€ and a grilled sausage
Worked well did it? If people dont trust the product or the producer, incentives could be a blowjob and 10K€, they dont want it


Once governments introduce this, it's over. Nobody uses cash already. All shops will require digital fiat or no sale.

kek. To the point

80%+ of most populations took the jab without incentives

>laughs in less than 50% vaccinated population even though our goverment spent countless euros pushing propaganda everywhere and actively working against pure blooded people

this, it's ogre

what is the point of digital euro or any other currency when you can pay using your debit card

sorry, can you repeat that again, all im reading is entirely nonsensical conspiracy theorist ramblings about something to do with ecoins and black ladies

they want in on the game. the game being to recover even more money than just by taxes by running giant pyomp and domp cycles to liquidate the digital change of their serfs pockets


the euro is already digital
what people decentralized is trust

remote dispossesion, ineffeciency of cash,
full surveilance, automatic taxation

the benefits for the state are infinite

bullish for XRP

>full surveilance
except for one or two "special cases"

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But why would anyone invest in digital euros? What's the difference between just having money on your bank account? I'm guessing they will tie the value of digital currencies to their real world counterpart.

I’ll take the ebucks and buy monero with it

In Germany you get regularly fucked if you ONLY carry a card. Some shops can't be arsed to pay fees for credit card transactions so they don't accept them and they only allow purchases with debit card if you buy at least 10€ worth of shit.

>buy at least 10€ worth of shit.
be europeasant, have these problems

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In cucked Sweden using cash is "weird and creepy" and in general it's only used by tourists.
Also bank fees and limits are designed to discourage swedes from withdrawing cash.