Best FTM coins to buy?

Its obvious that Fantom will dominate 2022 (its eco-friendly and will break Coinbase when it lists)
but where in the eco should I go? I'm looking for a solid 10x over the next few months.

Attached: FantomEventLogo_iPVy2im.png (2160x2160, 413.82K)

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Boo for Dex. Tarot for Lev, pooch for memes!

Check out Kampeki. About to launch. I think its going to be the next Aave. Comoletly brings something new to lending space.

FTM is one of the few that will rise in a prolonged bear

Scream is undervalued. V2 is coming out along with Solidly incentives.

Do not touch the pajeet Egg Snake emoji token.
Reflection tokens have never been successful.
Unless you're one of the first to buy in, you will lose money. Every Solidly thread on this board is filled with literal retards or paid curry nigger shillers.

I think Scream is the only project that has any value everything else is useless trash


any soul fags staking their soul for seance and then lping the seance? Is it worth it?

Scream it is

I keep posting this play, pooch, fang, nbk, spirit. Those are all you need to make serious gains this year. The news nbk just dropped is huge. And will probably be one of the bigger plays this year. Spirit keeps signing up new protocols for their spirit wars and as soon as v2 comes out they will start to moon, easy 100% gain on launch day and the price will hit $1+ shortly after.

Almost 50% down in sats. sure sir.

Potluck protocol (fang) is about to start making moves too. The release of their lab token is going to bring utility to their project as will fee dividends to fang holders. Pooch messed up its farms launch( not really but people didn't like the system so it was changed immediately) v2 is nearly launched and will allow the token to continue mooning. Also someone needs to update the nbk holder chart as anyone holding 20mil tokens has 20% of the supply which doesn't make all that much sense. Upper bounds should be 1-1.5 mil probably.

>he doesn't know about UNIDEX
aggregates every shit-dex there is to bring you best value for your tokerinos

good APRs, devs chat a lot in disc

buy BEETS user. Literally better than any other DEX on FTM. 80-20 Pools are the best

Whats everyones thoughts on retreeb? Pumping heaps lately, how high could it go?

2nd this, is a noteworthy project on fantom, it allows you to compose your own liquidity pool using any token contracts, any number of tokens, and any percentage weighting you desire.

I was waiting on 2shares to get down to 900-1k Fantom. It never did. So I never bought back in. … ah well. I might still. 4K for 1 damn coin is pretty steep though. Other than that, just hold Fantom, if btc doesn’t shit this next week - it’s going to go on another run.

Because these pajeets are about as inorganic as one could possibly shill, I'm going to give you a tldr on beets. It's a farm and dump token like 99% of ftm defi tokens. Beethoven is a simple fork of balancer. Balancer (ticker: Bal) is down 60% yoy and nearly 80% from its ath. Bal is something like 50% above its all time low. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows beets will not 10x soon, nor ever. The protocol does, however, have some pools with juicy apys to satisfy the jews among us

sir my village astarving (I don't hold beets)

ser if it's farm and dump why is it pumping so hard. I think you're jealous that my village is getting a new golden toilet