4.5% mortgage rates NOW

4.5% mortgage rates NOW
we have not been above 5% since post-2008


Attached: interest rates.png (1452x1316, 146.48K)

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what does this mean?

The fed says the average is 3.69%???

mortgage interest rates are going up fast. people will not be able to afford homes. crash coming?

> what does this mean?
Shit’s fucked.
Also rent line go up

> The fed says the average is 3.69%???
Updated: Feb 10, 2022

the top image updated 2/14/22

i'm seeing under 3 for 15 and under 4 for 30

Thinking about selling my home now and waiting a few years to buy back. Good idea?

i just turned down a pocket listing priced ~20% lower than comps because i don't want to be stuck holding overpriced mortgage bags. please fucking crash. please, i need to be vindicated.

Home values will go down.

Wont this fuck with peoples loans if they're not fixed?
As in you took out the 500k loan at 2% interest and now that's doubled so you can't afford to pay mortgage anymore?

There's a solid chance you'd come out great due to rising mortgage rates, but the tail risk is huge. I don't think that getting out of real assets right now is a good idea.

I cannot wait for the housing market to crash. I may be able to afford a home this time. I hope the spirit of bog crashes it with no survivors

If you have multiple houses, then it is smart to sell 5-10% now. If you have only 1 house and you live in it. Then do not sell it.

most loans are fixed so it won't efect them. HELOC are not fixed and this will fuck those people over.

it depends on location and price. if you live in CA or other high cost areas, i'd sell. I don't see the apeal of high cost areas with the work from home migrations.

>most loans are fixed so it won't effect them
Other than massively overpaying for their property.

>t. midwit

>4.5% mortgage rates NOW
hopefully they go higher
a decent correction is needed in the housing market

this is good, it will finally stop landlords form speculating and crash the prices so normal people can afford a home

Attached: IMG_4508.jpg (236x236, 10.38K)

youre an idiot.
you want them down so you entitled millennials and lazy zoomers can afford the monthly payments.

Wonderful time to kick people out of their homes, I guess. All the property is too expensive anyways, so now more people will be forced to rent. Old properties will be torn down for capsule apartments. The bugman era begins soon.

sell it and live out of your car

So we have rates going up and record inventory if this eternal housing bobo is right

It's finally time to short canadian real estate

>youre an idiot.
this shit is going down, like ie or not


Wow it’s literally nothing

i can't wait to buy a house outright for 75K when mortgage rates are 15%.

Attached: 1644693942597.jpg (1080x1440, 341.52K)

You don't even realise what he is telling you. He was trying to explain that the home is more affordable if the rates are low. Unless you can buy the house with cash, you won't benifit from the value going down. The higher rates just mean you will end up paying more interest every month.

low rates don't mean shit if the price is so high that I can't down pay for a mortgage on anything that isn't a trailer

imagine the smell

I don't think home values will go down. There is too much inflation, and too much demand. I think the rates going up are just going to stop the prices from inflating, but values won't go down. That's the whole point of the fed raising rates in the first place. They are fighting inflation.