It's over Canada bros

it's over Canada bros...

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Cant wait for the inevitable dump, then long term pump

>covid, white nationalism, climate denial and crypto will all merge.

uhhh bros...
they are allowed to freeze bank accounts
bank run?

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hypothetically, if I donated to the truckers via crowdfunding platform - should I hide and liquidate everything?

I'm a crypto day trader in canada and all one of my big bank accounts was frozen this morning
I didn't even connect the dots until just now

Chad President doing Chad moves. Canada has the looks max leader of all nations.

if you're lucky maybe russia will invade you too

its over, fren

You already got doxxed.

Well now we know what the true meaning of covid was for holy shit.

Well, the hour of Minecraft was always approaching... We just never knew how soon

oh god

I would either go all in on monero after making a bank run OR get cash and run to EU asap.

they already doxxed you. Liquidate and emigrate.

They make the rules, they're "allowed" to do anything they want.


>use VPN
>use TOR
>keep paper wallet
nothin personnel, Castro Jr. Stay mad.

can be tracked and CIA honeypot

We all knew this was coming, it's not the first time they freeze/steal what's on your bank accounts for wrong think.
Control over money circulation is absolute control. That's why they want so bad to forbid cash. Remember the speech from the fatass kike in charge of the BIS??

If you didn't do it already, empty all your bank accounts, always keep the bare minimum to pay for bills and emergency fund every month, keep the rest out of the system as follow : 50% gold, 30% cash, 20% privacy coins (mainly XMR).

Just remember how much hell a kid with some explosives, nails, ball bearings, and a instapot pressure cooker caused in boston?

Pepperidge farm remembers.

bullish for gold, silver, and Bayhorse


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propose an alternative then

>Crypto day trader.
How poor are you right now?

its time for violence

Trudeau will be lucky if he gets out of this without being gaddafi'd, i for one would love to see the viral video of this sock game faggot getting dragged through the streets to his death.

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