How does capitalism solve this?

How does capitalism solve this?

Attached: 234231354324.jpg (1194x763, 202.85K)

by looking at all the starved corpses of communism

false dilemma fallacy

what's the problem here

what does this pic even show, marketcap of stocks? If so, then it's completely meaningless.

Why solve a self-perfecting system? Eventually, all those companies will eat each other and there will be only one company. A perfect business. No?

That pie chart event even accurate. Capitalism would solve this by paying someone who isnt retarded to make the pie chart.


>How does capitalism solve this?
>posts an unlabeled pie chart with no context
Clean this shit up, jannies

>Facebook is now Meta
>Acronym is now MA'AAM

What are you trying to 'solve' exactly? Capitalism has more congruence with the inate nature of humans than any other system devised.

It's why I find America such a fascinating nation. It's humanity distilled to its purest essence, the greatest examples of human ingenuity and the worst instances of human degeneracy and decadence.

Though I feel the decadence has taken hold and culturally they are slipping into a trough, victims of their own prosperity. This story has been played out before countless times.

Good times/Weak men/hard times etc etc

Trying to solve the jewish problem
>Capitalism has more congruence with the inate nature of humans than any other system devised.
idk about you but i don't see how being in the wagie cage for 12 hours so Mr Shekelstein can enjoy his fortune is humane.

if jews control everything the only explanation is that they're better than us.

That's why I'm a Maoist. Is so unfair Apple has more than 5000 times the market cap of my regional Bank. Now you can even pay with your smartphone using their app!

>fallacy this
>fallacy that

Attached: 1609341407762.png (427x400, 12.25K)

>you have one bike
>nigger next have 10 (stolen)bikes

Attached: 1643518338595.jpg (3434x4000, 2.64M)

Yes, unironically. What the fuck are you doing on Any Forums if you can't even admit this simple truth? The pride behind this post is similar to the hugely spread cope about this board not "being pajeet enough" to buy dog shitcoins or obvious ponzi scams like DAOs, whereas normalfag tiktokers and literal braindead niggers from telegram/twitter have outperformed Any Forumscucks who were stuck holding vaporware alts like Chainlink. Let me break it to you faggot, but between someone who made 7 figures in d0geb0nk with $1000 initially invested and someone who held Chainlink between 2018 and 2021 realizing a profit of 6 figs with 5 figs originally invested, the d0geb0nk trader was better. SHIB millionaires who were early are better. People who made money on GM, THOR, TOMB etc were better than retards holding PRQ, XCM, KDA and other failures who barely did a 20x at their peak. I hope you realize this before it's too late

In every society there will always be losers and winners.

What's this supposed to represent? Where are Aramco and Petrochina if we want to talk about inflated mcap?

Capitalism would add a title to the pie chart so people can actually read it.