Is this the real deal?

Is this the real deal?

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This isn't meant to be fud, but what can do you with RLC?
It has been a useless ERC20 token 4 years ago and is still the same today.
Technically its supposed to be used as the currency for their decentralized marketplace,
but if that shit is open source, wouldn't we immediately see people switching to ETH as medium of exchange for computing ressources?

0 users
1 pnd on coinbase was your chance to sell

all you need to know

this is a huge year for RLC

this FUD is bullish af, just bought 1000 more

Checked but your are delusional
Just let it go, it’s over

Name one project with more potential

Checked. It’s riskier to not have a stack of RLC than to be holding.

it's true, and I'm bagholding. wish the opposite

sad! many such cases


It's coming home Gilles

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People seem to not understand this. In the cryptocolypse, RLC will survive when most of the top 100 will be deadcoins. RLC has partnerships both with private enterprise and government projects, it is going nowhere for the next 4 years at least (just based off their ontochain funding)

Honestly? Dogcoins have more potential than a fucking 2017 shitcoin that failed to do anything in the past 4 years

Which dog coin is at EthDenver next week?

Is that the bar now? Jesus.

>biggest Cryptocurrency in America
>RLC rank 300 is there
>Dog coins within top 10 cant even have a presence

I wonder why dogcoins with no utility wouldn't be at a conference centered around networking and longevity...hmmm

(im on fire)
>EthDenver is the biggest Cryptocurrency Conference in America*

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i feel bad for the people who hold this digital dog shit. you faggots got me to buy some bags luckily i had the opportunity to leave, most fags here didn't

Has there been new developments with Rlc lately? I really haven’t been following. ICP still seems like it makes it irrelevant though

>more potential
A lottery ticket. You can become a millionaire with $1.
Better to ask if it is likely that those french lazy asses can get their shit together after 4 years of literally doing nothing.
Seems very unlikely.