Trying to learn more about day trading but i dont trust youtube to deliver bc most of it seems like get rich quick...

trying to learn more about day trading but i dont trust youtube to deliver bc most of it seems like get rich quick schemes or will scam you out of money.
any advice for some starting out?
should i start out with paper trading or?
and most of the Jargon i dont really get and i mostly just forget about it after hearing it

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just pick the first book you find on the topic, read a few pages before you start to get bored and just jump right in. thanks to retards like you i can make money with my dick in my hand, basically. the more the merrier

>thanks to retards like you i can make money with my dick in my hand, basically. The more the merrier
why would you make more money if more people like me were to get into day trading?

it's a zero sum game. if you lose a trade, and you will lose, i win a trade. the more people i can fleece like that the better.

but how do you know you wont lose first?
and how would you go about to prevent something like that?

How to not get rekt:
- Identify a point in the market that favors a specific outcome
- Get reasonably good entry
- Use proper position size / risk management

Search for "crypto cred" on youtube and watch his TA playlist

What the fuck did you just fucking say about OP, you little bitch? I’ll have you know OP always replies to my messages in the official UNI telegram chat, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret shill raids, and I have over 300 confirmed bans.

I am trained in pajeet warfare and hold the biggest wallet of the entire telegram trading group. You are nothing to me but just another poor fag. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit about OP over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of jeets and eastern europeans across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your portfolio. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can dump on you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my MOAR gains.

Not only am I extensively trained cyber-techno machinations, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Uniswap and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking liquidated, kiddo.

What's there to learn zoomer nigger?


You won't make any money day trading in 2022. Just do your research, get a good understanding of the market, buy some shit and hold it for years.

gtfo of my board noob, you are going to slowly lose everything because we are about to go into a bear market. Just come again in a few years when nobody is hyped then buy cheap hold a few months then sell, most probably you'll make more than a X4 on your investment. Like I said making moves ATM is risky af and most likely you are going to lose money

honestly thank you guys
this grateful OP and newfag to Any Forums will take your advice and keep an eye on the market and do my research
I will try my best to understand the market and try my best not to get rekt
this has been invalueble advice

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First step to become a successful trader is to become proficient with some programming languages.

which ones would that be?
im already trying to learn html, python, java and maybe some DOS but thats not really anything
its all suprisingly easy
i thought it would be super somplex (it is sometimes) but most times its just knowing various commands and which order theyt should go in and its mostly tedious and repetitive

what? why would you need that

Watch a lot of videos on the topic, i recomend oliver velez on youtube.

then try with very small amounts to get a hang of it, put 10$ on a exchange and see what you can do with it

You dont have to risk a large amount of money to learn and practice, just look at percatage of gains and loses. trade on 1 minute chart to get a lot of trades in small time frame.

As with everything, you wont get good without practice, GL HF

>mfw in a few years
damn as a long time lurker on Any Forums and Any Forums
you guys on these other boards are nice

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start by swing trading
the USD is not money, bitcoin is, your goal is to stack sats, not dollars.
always trade spot, you dont need leverage if youre good and bad traders always get rekt.
understand that you are trading a "managed market", sometimes your trade will be perfect but you will lose anyway.
when trading alts you have to watch (and do TA) on both bitcoin and your selected alt.
understand which alts are correlated with bitcoin and how that effects your risk
understand what risk/reward is and how is changes with market volatility.
understand what confluence means.
stick to a select proven indicators and chart tools and master them.
dont get swept up with the crowd.
invert your chart now and again and try to counter trade yourself.
trendlines are momentum indicators, not support and resistance lines.
when you lose a trade, accept that money is gone and move forward.
stop trading for a while if you lose any significant amount of money.

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check out leveraged perpetual futures at kucoin or binance

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>get proficient with some programming languages
refuses to elaborate

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Here's everything you need to know:
1) day trading is literally gambling
2) everything is priced in so you're EV is alway 0 no matter what you do. You only make money by being lucky.

If you still want to continue after this (you realize you are just a degenerate gambler) then you should watch this guys channel to learn some of the quickest ways to lose your money:

Day trading is a scam Watch this video before you do literally anything.