The world governments really want to accumulate prom, huh?

The world governments really want to accumulate prom, huh?

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why are the governments getting involved in crypto?

What are they going to get out of that KEK

since when are governments related to prom?

now will there be presidents at prom? great, even boomers will start to get interested in crypto

Why wouldn't they?

if we combine it with the fact that there are celebrities it can be incredibly profitable

They are celebrities so that wouldn't be such a crazy idea

It would also mean the death of prom

do you really want a bunch of normies filling the whole market to talk about how big an actor's penis is?

lmao why

I hate the pedophile we have as president, ngmi

Why would I give a fuck about normies and penis size if I am making money? Don't be stupid, be practical

They are always the best audience because they come in a pack lmao

can celebrities now count as an nft?

Yes and now their asses are even more expensive

>Paedophile president

You could be from literally any country

Okay but are there any names in particular? Like is it Sir Anthony Hopkins of something like that?

Looks like these kids want to issue their own coin and make some money for benefiting the world

kek they'd probably eat up half of the money for their own personal use and leave teh fucking potholes as it is

>Sir Anthony Hopkins
who now?

Or i could be the person you just passed down the street. I am everywhere and inevitable

It makes sense. they will obviously get into anything that smells like money

and highly influential sure. But the government imposes their own dumb rules and that might really affect the circulation of the coins in the market

we don't live in north korea user


Out of everything they decided to accumulate the wanna be coin? Could've gone for something with actual usecases

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honestly, at this point i really wished i did. No tension in life, no political stress. Just a peaceful life with me and my kimchi

what are you 80?