Did you know that Girraffes are going extent? Strongnode can save them

Did you know that Girraffes are going extent? Strongnode can save them.

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who cares about tall ass animals that give us literally nothing?

This doesn't even make sense. Either you're stupid OP or im losing my mind. And the second one is less likely to happen

>Girraffes are going extent
nooooooooo they're the cutest fucking animals man. This is why i tell you fuckers to do something about saving the planet

what do you want me to do? write those essays like we did in 5th grade about global warming? kek

Dude it's literally two completely different concepts.

yuck. Have you seen their yellow teeth? They don't even play a significant role in the food chain.

Pepe looks weirdly good

It does. Sne is environmentaly friendly. So that kinda helps with the whole situation? Because there's no wastage of computational resources or something like that i'm assuming

probably has a big dick this time.

People don't care ya know. Even if they do they don't want their investments to get affected by it. Sustainable funds are going to be a part of everyone's bag soon

>Sne is environmentaly friendly

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>they don't want their investments to get affected by it
that's just a myth. Most of the sustainable funds are literally passive income. So in a way what OP says actually makes sense


I like the taste of giraffe meat more than chicken. So works for me either ways

eh pass


>Strongnode can save them
Why do people really insist that sne could save the planet? it is literally a crypto, with or without optimizations it will end up polluting the same as any other coin

who cares about the fucking giraffes? as long as i make all the binance processes faster i'm in, i just want to have money, anyway we are already doomed with the planet burning every year lmao

Those weren't the guys who kept making promises and never did anything?

in his defense it is a project that requires a titanic effort to work, it will take a couple of years to see results heh

>me with the sne investor's mom after he saved the world (we are very proud of him)

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bahaaha this made me fucking chuckle

my mom died 3 weeks ago wtf

Idk, but simply optimizing processes is not going to stop global warming.

always has

what a shame, worms don't like fat women

Its cus worms are fucking fagots, imagine eating rotten dead meat when you can have something fresh.

OP you fucking fool. That's just a marketing stunt


That's the average faggot on this website for you.

user based having his priorities in order