Saturday morning shitcoin thread

Morning anons, need a decent lowcap to gamble on this weekend. Requirements are:

No jeets
Decent branding/logo
Some relevence to current zeit
Locked LP
Active Devs

Thanks frens

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This user.
Also CryptoBowl looks decent and didn't dump overnight which is usually a good sign.

WOM Protocol my eurobro

>White German CEO
>Sub 16m mcap
>On Kucoin and
>Upcoming Dubai conference on the 22nd will pump this shit even harder
>Capitalizing on zoomers. Their products like BULLZ is literally TikTok on roids

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what tf is this? if you're gonna shill something at least include enough info for your average user to find the fucking thing.
this isn't the fucking crystal maze senpai

tf is cryptobowl?

is this even a shitcoin user?
standard of shill on this board has plummeted recently

Ticker SuperBowl
TG CryptoBowlOfficial

yw fren

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Any TG senpai?

Hey biztards, you probably remember me from yesterday shilling cryptobowl. You retards called me a jeet scammer, a faggot retard. Well get fucked now cocksuckers who shitted on my calls, the token was launched by based devs as a legit event non jeet token that we can profit from, the based bizraelis who listened when I shilled this at 1kmcap made 20-30x bags.

Seethe harder now cucks, the superbowl is gonna happen in 1 day 14 hours. You already know CZ is gonna advertise crypto. Imagine what will happen to a token called cryptobowl ticker superbowl.

Get in here while it's still at a floor 15k mcap or btfo from massive gains forever

Tg cryptobowlofficial

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KEK if ur the user who shilled it in the superbowl thread yesterday then thanks, i made a decent profit last night..
..surprised it didn't dump overnight ngl

fuck me lads, usually these threads are full of shilljeets by now
is bsc dead?

No jeeting? Okay. WOM protocol. Simple reasons really.
>low mcap
>competent team
>adidas partnership
>intuitive idea
>sound tokenomics
What’s not to like?

I woke up and bought solid snake on fantom m. Lol

Is this the shit that launched on Solidly ?

Yeah nigga its the first trading pair on there lol

I need to make buy

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Its on a huge dip rn and buying would be a. Good decision.

user I wanna be hella rich. You sure this will work.

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I'm up 50x nigger. Idk

Holy shi


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