Chainlink has now released 1.1, enabling cross-chain support. What are everyone's thoughts?

>Chainlink has now released 1.1, enabling cross-chain support. What are everyone's thoughts?


Any Forums is compromised as fuck

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That is what I called your mom last night, you basterd.


If it's a nothing burger, there's no need to delete it. I am sure it is significant. I am combing through the details of that thread now to find out exactly why it is deleted.

Token not needed, all funds are directed to WEF to fund injection passports

>ccip framework
>eip-1559 support
just more set up for the singularity. time to keep waiting.

just a bunch of techno mumbo jumbo babble, who cares

very bullish and the controllers dumping link just makes the services even cheaper and more accessible. usage is gonna go up

Priced in

Boring stupid shit no one cares about, this wont move price shib moves harder than anything else when bitcoin starts to move. Not even memeing thats just how the market is

Btw the moment it got deleted 5+ FUD threads popped up simultaneously, increasing to 8 or so after an hour and a half. Could have been OP as a planned hopium/FUD cycle.


But.. why would they delete it? That's rather odd!

That long post before the deletion is interesting, anyone got the qrd on that?

create chainlinked smartcontract use any chain then settle on eth for finality. the chainlinked part handles the fees automatically. i assume the keepers operators sets the parameters to their liking and away we go

the church teaches sin mitigation. the freemasons, jesuits, and many mystery religions teach embracement of positive and negative to reach one's true potential. just like the market ebbs and flows.

why do we 'have to' settle on eth for finality? what if i wanted to settle on another chain?

bump fuck jannies

what is this techno buzzworld salad bullshit lol who the fuck cares

LINK..who gives a fuck?

>1.1???!!! WOW!! Now it’s even better!!!

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