How is it fair that these low iq retards who didn't even know what crypto was before the 2017 bubble are already...

How is it fair that these low iq retards who didn't even know what crypto was before the 2017 bubble are already millionaires, while people like me who have been researching crypto for years, carefully reading whitepapers and investing in projects with the most technological potential still haven't made it? Markets aren't supposed to reward the dumbest people for randomly investing in things they don't even understand.

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I know a guy who worked at a convenience store and made $2.6M this bullrun.

Sorry but you're a retarded nigger.

When you gamble there is a possiblity you win.

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Here's the problem, these people buy and hold. You fags think you're smarter crypto day traders.

I started with 50k Dec. 2020, I'm at 2 mil now. If I had stopped thinking I'm so smart and a crypto day trader, I'd have 8mil.

as a conservative investor I don't gamble with stuff like this. I just try to pick tops and bottoms of the stock market on an hourly basis every single day

>w-we are still early!

Attached: still early.png (832x70, 6.52K)

quote from the article:

>They were savvy enough to see the potential of an investment that some top financial advisors still don’t fully understand, where patience is a priority and one must navigate a world rife with its own language: chainlink, fiat, mining, DeFi.

kek, the very first thing is chainlink

I read the article last time this was posted, most of them (if not all, I don’t remember the exact details) started investing in crypto in 2017 or earlier.

yes, because we are at the fucking top
this article is the biggest top indicator ive ever seen

I've been buying and holding for almost 5 years now and I'm only in the low 6 figures. I only buy projects I actually believe in that I think have potential, but it's always the people who buy stupid meme shit like shiba inu that end up profiting, and not the serious thoughtful investors.

I’d you got into crypto after 2017 you are literally holding someone’s bags. They turned dollars into millions and you’re trying to turn dollars into thousands, we are not the same lol

There's no way that is real.

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That's outright fake news. If you read the article it says "83% of millennial millionaires own cryptocurrencies" not 83% of all millennials.


You worked harder, not smarter.

It isn’t relax plenty of retards still in our age group we have a couple years max

Real statistic is 83% of millennial MILLIONAIRES own crypto, not total population

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I refuse to ever buy crypto.
Whenever I make a targeted investment, I lose. I am only qualified to get ass raped by the gods who control my sp500 index fund Will never be rich

>How is it fair that
life it's not fair
if you deserved more (chainlink) but didn't ge trought after 4 years it's probably because your karma it's fucked up
tose retards had a better karma than you, probably

kek you're right. fucking (((ny)))post and their fake news.

>Posting that you got rich doing no work on a major new site along with your picture
How to get robbed in one easy step

>carefully reading whitepapers
if you are dumb enough to read whitepapers and think it is "research" you are the one with the low iq. retard