Bow to the one true king you happy to own digital nothing peasants

Bow to the one true king you happy to own digital nothing peasants.

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I have one ounce that I bought last year for $1860. It's a gold buffalo coin. I'm just now breaking even with it.

Will I make it?

>investing in gold
you're supposed to buy gold after you make it retard

This seems to make sense. Don't you have to pay taxes / fees on PMs which make you have to wait forever JUST to break even with them? Or is there a way around that? Crypto still seems like a better investment.

You only own gold if you own it physically, else it's just a number on the internet like all other shitcoins.

you think you don’t pay taxes and fees in crypto? nigger brain the government is tracing every crypto transaction meanwhile gold is completely untraceable. If i send my neighbor bitcoin it is traced forever. If i hand my neighbor gold the glowniggers are unaware.

Should've specified further: I meant crypto is a better temporary investment due to the volatility, but it is pretty much gambling. The only crypto with any use case in this paradigm is Monero (see the darknets). Gold and Silver are good hedges by themselves, but the taxes and fees you pay on them make you have to wait forever... Unless you think 'SHTF', 'EOTWAWKI' or some major recession is around the corner, which quite a few do. Bitcoin is, as you said, pointless and nothing more than casino chip.

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I wonder what % of people hodling gold actually have actual real gold and didn’t just get scammed

Imagine holding gold for decades only to find out is fake

cant sell it to tony at We Buy Gold for a fair price in fiat. You're more fucked with than crypto. Not to mention it's losing against inflation.

Sorta, it highly depends where you buy it
In America there are many states where silver and gold are tax free.
In Europe you have to pay VAT on it most nations....some higher some lower.
Japan it depends if its a coin i belive or not

What taxes do you pay on gold and silver?
Are you European based?
No taxes, no vat here in usa.

i can trade it (why would i want to sell real gold for fiat paper?) to farmers for land and livestock and seed and equipment.

not buying your rocks, boomer

not selling my rocks kikeoid

you are a midwit

pmlards always say this, but never in the history of pmg has anyone actually conducted a serious transaction with their coins, it's even more hypothetical than btc maxis who insist that everyone will one day use btc as money. the era of metal money is over, it's just banks, boomer power fantasies, and the miners/dealers who sell to both in exchange for fiat

Instead of name-calling, why don't you tell us how you're investing and prove how much a genius you totally are? Let me take a WILD guess, you're a bitcoin maxi?

only troglodytes don't price in premiums when selling precious metals. it's not like you need to be a retailer to do that, you wont find independent gold/silver listings in online classifieds that are at or below spot price. literally the only people who sell for no premium are desperate crackheads hawking their grandma's silverware at the pawn shop.

KYS shiny rocks tranny and go back to your containment thread.

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God, REITs are so good. But for real you should own some gold and silver


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The catch is: Where is that value being generated? Most of it is just people buying which shoots up the price. In this case it is primarily generated by whoever bought it last. Eventually this 'fake growth' will catch up. Not saying not to take advantage, but be warned that what enters your hands this fast can leave just as fast.