Lmao, GMEtards can't do anything properly, even suicide

Lmao, GMEtards can't do anything properly, even suicide.

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Kek I made around 80k on GME when it exploded.
Feels good man

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You sold at the top? Nice.

Any Forums is nightmare fuel negative sentiment this morning.

I'm not sure how to feel about the strange combination of heart rending I feel for all of the newfags that joined midwit trap religions (gme, link, grt, hbar, rose, or worse like rubic, pnk, unn, doge/shib) and gratitude I feel for actually having made money this run.

Not my problem. Never selling

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oh well I guess I'll sell my GME no. oh wait no I won't lol. eat my ass OP

I'm not reading all that.

I ultimately made about 4000 USD from the GME hype train. Exited my position happily. Everyone could see the writing was on the wall for it but those Redditors just hype each other up and live in some kind of fantasy land. I’d rather deal with all the fud here that can at least keep you grounded in some sense of reality as opposed to the retarded redditors who spread unrealistic hopium.

Nice scam this guy ran, he saw how much attention he's getting and decided to capitalize on it. Good job man

Stay in your containment thread

Any Forums bizness and finance
this forum is so fucking retarded
why do we still have /xsg/, /stinky/ and /gme/ what in the actual fuck
atleast im making money of you retards

Yeah, everyone smart dumped when we went above $300 the first time.
I began shorting at around $200 recently and will hold that until $30 for my final exit.

GG to this guy though, he'll make some cash off these retards with his fake suicide scam.
This was the easiest run to make money off brain damaged plebbitors to date

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Tl;dr poorfag bought pre-construction house and lost his job before it finished. Got tired of working poorfag gig jobs so dumped life savings into GME at the top and refused to sell. Tried to kys by jumping off a balcony but just broke his legs, head injury and penis amputation. Family are now ebegging for $50k.

Tl;sdr scam


Anyone who isn't seething about GME does stay in the containment thread.

And specially:
A FELLOW REDDITOR tried to kill himself because of this running rampant scam called GME (Game Stop) and you're here, being funny, sarcastic or outright disrespectful? How dare you?!? What would you think if you were in the same position as him and everybody reacted like you do? You are obviously evil people, the kind that our society doesn't need anymore, we need to hold together against these hard times and you turn your back that quickly!

No, this isn't right. I WON'T TOLERATE IT! This circus has to end now. The time to apologize has come. You all need to apologize right now. There's no other way, it won't undo all the evilness you poured into our hearts, but it's a beginning. At least show us that you know better, you fucking niggers you really thought I was being serious? Lmao get fucked turbofaggots and the redditor I hope he gets well but damn that'a some retarded shit he did.