>3-5% APY

It's over.

The fudders were right.

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what the fuck were you freaks expecting. 20%? like some shitcoin? even cardano only gives out 6%

It will be 0. It is in the white paper


Funny how you lock up an insanely volatile asset and receive interest payments in said volatile asset.

Crypto is a fucking scam

>staking is now FUD

>rugged of your stake
I thought this same thing back in 2017 and never heard it argued good. Why would I trust even linkpool? Not that they would "rug", but who's to say they dont make some shitty line of code that fks your stack? Whos to even say that they dont change the code with a "patch" some months down the road even if they do host good?

I'd love to stake, but Iun trust that shit

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What's the point of staking if it's less than inflation?

this twitter faggot is only speculating, hes a literal who

it's gonna have to be pretty high once it's fully deployed. risking slashing, locking up for extended period of time, risk of price volatility, all the work that goes into running a node. it's gotta be 10% eventually. it might even be 10% at the beginning but with extremely limited space for staking
this is why linkpool has a token to gatekeep staking access

Would you rather get 3% link apy or 40% hex apy? I'm taking the link all day every day.

staking is required for network security
therefore, token very needed

This ser is not even half of kleros apy not even a third if you staking in POH courts. How are u suppose to feed village with such low?

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Chainlink staking has no APY.

Why the fuck are you people so retarded.

Literal who?

blah blah blah yes we all know it's not a set apy, but no one is going to stake millions of LINK for a control that only gets a request once a week. there will be an effective apy, it's just gonna be dynamic

pools closed, faggot

Trying to guess Link staking APY is like trying to guess income tax across all private and legal entities (from private person to multinational mogul) in the world.

The middlemen will offer staking apy's.

Genuine question from a genuine brainlet here.
What happens once all the tokens are in circulation and are locked up within punctual nodes, how would you still earn link if all link tokens are staked as collateral within these flawless nodes?

That's staking on Chainlink staking.
It is not actual Chainlink staking.

This is not what Sergey ever talks about, and it is not what is described in either whitepaper.

Yeah but a lot of people will probably still fall for it.

Only a portion of Link will ever be available for staking.
Going by the current distribution, it'll probably be something like 1/3rd of the total supply.

And the total MC of this 1/3rd will have to be high enough to cover the demand for collateral.
If not enough value is available in that 1/3rd, then node operators will have to buy from the open market.

It's a legit form of staking, but it's not actual Chainlink staking.

>why lose 3% when I can lose 7%