APIs and developer tools

>APIs and developer tools
>Automated workflows
>Edge infrastructure
>technology that handles large-scale data, network bandwidth, control management, latency and security
Start telling me the reasons why I shouldn't be all in with S N E

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>Start telling me the reasons why I shouldn't be all in with S N E
common sense

>why you shouldnt be into sne
idk man do as your wish with your money lol
it sounds good for me but not that much fuck off

fuck you op, you're nothing but a pajeet

>technology that handles large-scale data, network bandwidth, control management, latency and security
this, you are agree to give all your personal data in exchange for money?

embrace private servers supremacy

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>man exposing his point of view
nigga i sometimes wish so much to all of biz dying slowly

but... why not? WHY NOT?

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so you're defending the pajeet? maybe you can turn yourself in a node and get the fuck off

no fr all of us together can make some big things hear me out
no more shit invading your homespace

sne isn't just a shitcoin user kek
is an company whose vision is to their own hypergrowth and their customers

>S N E
Sex Needs E


It sounds like a valid advisement lel
Dont get you money away that easy XDDD

go to jail and embrace decentralized sex with two niggers

tf you meant to say fucking retard lmaaoo

you are right. there will always be a way to be able to walk the path of wealth, my son

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don't be a fag op, don't buy that shit

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pepe spiegel, easy comes easy go

im evading taxes

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>Start telling me the reasons why I shouldn't be all in with S N E
i will be buy sne and hold it, but i dont want to work as a seeder, i dont trust in passive incomes

i cant fucking believe this fucker

>>technology that handles large-scale data, network bandwidth, control management, latency and security
Say already that the guys want to hack us with our permission

>im evading taxes
the only thing you're evading is sex, fucking virgin nerd

luking gud user

Idk about you but those boobas convinced me

i dont either but this seems fair enough to me

EEUU boobas mate, they're operated, i dont like to touch two hard water bags

average Any Forums op when nobody buy his bags lol

>dk man do as your wish with your money lol
you sounds like my toxic ex dude
hysterical bitch

if Special-Needs-Education had a shot at it, it's over. that project didn't survive the bear market

You're gay, right?

>APIs and developer tools
>Automated workflows
>Edge infrastructure
That's so fucking good.
>technology that handles large-scale data, network bandwidth, control management, latency and security
This is shit and so fucking dangerous, I don't let my girlfriend see my cell phone, I'm going to let an unknown company play with my data.


finally someone who speaks with sanity