Wtf is this

And why is it literally the only thing being traded on solidly rn?

Attached: E7D4E86D-7992-4EC7-B352-B25860444DC6.jpg (828x762, 266.63K)

Andre must know something

Attached: 1633641688992.jpg (544x388, 54.16K)


Cause it's the best option out there right now, solidly is based but it's still pretty new and unknown

what the fuck is that user?

whales are fucking out, now this can really pump back up again to 1m mcap, lets fuckin go


Those weren't whales you faggot, it was some random jeets that got lucky, now the niggers are out this can pump steadily

Looks like it got shit on by whales

The only coin on solidly that can get u a 5x rn

What's this token? New platform? Looks nice, need a place to throw my FTM

> the only thing traded on solidly
> solidly= a dex made by world-known ruggers
not getting my hard earned muni pajets

whatever they were, they are out, not even 24 hs old and this token already proved that it could grow even bigger, this is the moment to slurp it

It's a memecoin that launched in solidly half a day ago, it was pumping epicly until some faggots sold and now its on a dip, it's a great opportunity user, it's super early and this is a good price

Imma slurp the dip anons

Fuckin based, besides of how it looks like now, this would make it, screen cap this if u want, let's throw some ftm into this

This is just the perfect time to ape into snake before tonight's poompa

Im thinking about it to lmao

i've already went full ape into this token, not gonna miss the big poompa

Attached: mgsvgz_ss_demo_002.0.jpg (1200x800, 72.86K)

Only thing traded on solidly, yet

This is why you poorfags are always late for the pumps

Bullish site, but wen 5m mcap?

do eet ser, looked into this shit and its pretty nice

I've heard about some listing in the next days, cmc and cg, that's when the real pump will happen

Shit. But Solidly isn't even listed. Going to really pump when it does.

nice bullish news at last, 5m mcap will be an easy target by the end of the week

Attached: 6c398026-062c-4460-8f1f-176861b84409.jpg (320x320, 20.44K)

Why am I getting this error? Can someone help please I wanna buy that solid snake thing before it pumps big time

Attached: 16445340697072415245699807707245.jpg (4000x3000, 2.88M)

refresh, clear cache and reconnect again fren, i had the same issue but it worked well on my phone

>wen 5m

Probably after it gets listed on cmc

U sure you have fantom network set up in ur wallet?

Gotta agree. Site is pleasing. Holding this for a while, see what happens.

READ mofo kek

are devs planning on doing this ser? I hope they do

Oh shit there's animal Solid tokens being made. Buy in before this becomes the next trend.

you're not on the Fantom RPC

thats bullish as fuck user, didn't know about it
it would pump the platform and the Solid Snake token

Yes nigga, eventually. Check the roadmap there is a lot of stuff coming

That's gonna be fuckin sweeeeet, LFGOO