There are people who did a 3 / 4 year degree and literally saw 0 return on investment from it

>There are people who did a 3 / 4 year degree and literally saw 0 return on investment from it


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I went to school for 5 years got a good STEM degree but am a Neet because I'm a faggot who has such bad social anxiety my head starts shaking when doing even basic shit

There's people that went to public school...

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I got a loan and lived like a neet only studying a couple of days before exams. Pretty comfy desu

Virtually every non-STEM degree

And many stem ones as well.

What fucking STEM degree is a waste lmao

Average person has no idea what they want to do or how to do it. So they go to college and figure they'll just fall into a career in a major they can pass the classes in. Then they get out of college and realize they know NOTHING about the industry or job market of the field they studied for. They don't know any businesses that would hire them. They don't live near any place where they could use their major. They don't even remember half the classes they took. So they go work at Starbucks until they can figure out what to do... but they never figure it out.

Zoology, biology, botany, ecology, marine bio, neuroscience (without grad school or med school/dental/vet)

Millenials got JUST'd back in highschool, being taught that going to a high tier college matters more than ROI. Zoomers know to go to a cheap college for a major that pays.

I had the tense neck and headshakes too some years ago. When the anxiety comes try focusing on your breathing, imagine breathing in from one nostril and out from the other. Hope this helps you bizbro.

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it's amusing how jewish academics insist that college isn't a job training program while simultaneously demanding $30k a year tuition/fees/room/board.

99% of the world are fucking brainless dumbfucks

almost any of the "S" in "STEM" unless you get a phd. and even then your phd had better be applied rather than theory.

I never even heard of anybody mentioning this before anywhere but I have that too when my social anxiety is at the worst, when I feel like people are looking at me, my head shakes/shutters when turning from side to side like my neck is too stiff and it's like my head is an un-oiled machine scraping as it rotates

Including you? ape?

Imagine going to a place and saying give us 10k and we will give you 100k and then as soon as you do calling you the devil and that you deserve to die and telling you that whatever you do is evil and cannot be forgiven. Gonna be quite the predicament no doubt.

Who goes to school for 9 months and expects anything meaningful?

>calling you the devil and that you deserve to die and telling you that whatever you do is evil and cannot be forgiven.
Yeah, this is how my differential equations class felt.

I mean to be honest I can fake it pretty good and you really have to try to not care about anything but when i have a bad day it's really bad. Running helped me a lot, and the thing is once I'm in some sort of situation and feel like I have control I'm pretty much a social butterfly, but it's like I have some terrible apprehension which ruins everything to begin with

The returns are not 0. They are negative, because of student debt.

Me. Got an engineering degree. Those fucking jews called me yesterday as well to let me know my loan payments are supposed to start back up in May. God I really hope they push them back again.

basically every college kiddo after 2010