Is web3 a meme

Is web3 a meme

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yeah. you see the silicon valley vc's completely missed the entire bitcoin revolution. i mean can you imagine claiming you are the tech pioneers of investing and missing the chance to use the internet against money revolution?
anyways, because they are now seething at missing out on trillions, their newest plan is to sell made up garbage on vc controlled shitchains (ie. badly implemented mysql replacements).
they literally think this is going to get them a seat at the table. fairly pathetic

based instant 1st post thread solver

FPBP it's a VC scam to dump bags on you.
A decentralized internet is impossible with ISPs' controlling the internet infrastructure.

It's utopianism. Ask 10 web3 advocates about it and get 10 contradictory answers.

Everything about web3 being an actual thing and how it would supposedly work is absolutely ridiculous and retarded.
With more and more control becoming important and imminent for the survival of these things, there has to be an understanding into how this shit is actually going to hold up

Isn't that with every so called proposed development on the adult's table?

That's because nobody actually knows what it is and how it is going to work

look around, tell me if anyone actually considers seriously developing things on the blockchain, off late all everyone wants is just quick gains and significiantly larger scamways to make money


But do you not think decentralisation of the web is possible?

yes and no.

>bitcoin revolution
>he still thinks FEDcoin was revolutionary

its a fucking meme lmao

you are a meme.

literally ended the discussion without starting

There are good coins in it, as long as i can invest in my shit i don't care

What does this have to do with web 3.0?

I don't really think it is considering how it focuses on the short coming of web2.
Even the fact that it's perfect for the blockchain since it implements defi


But you might be able to rip off some losers while the hype run

Isn't that already happening on the blockchain? I mean it's not really controlled by anyone. The web is the biggest DeFi communication in it's own

what do you mean?

i love how he woke up and chose no bullshit. Way to go user

eh i like it better when controlled, according to me it's less messier

i have no idea, smoll bain rn

So you'd rather prefer a bunch of monopolistic freak shows to control what you do? Do you realize how fucked up that is since people can literally sell of your important data.

>send him to north korea

But like without anyone controlling it doesn't that make it unsafe too?

>i beat you

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stfu and suck my cock then

or just shill him centralized services. I mean not like he really cares. If he comes whining throw him in the bin

I would like to be a meme so that at least the girls talk about me

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Shit that recommends things like smart contracts

STOP WITH INTELLIGENT CONTRACTS, im fed up, more with unilab that they dont stop talking about it and never do anything

One born every minute.