Should I buy now?

>wanted to buy a couple of new condos (150k each) in 2010.
>wife said bad idea, should instead rent because they were 'overpriced'
>now they are worth 450-550k each and wife wants me to invest now because all her friends are doing it.
I am going absolutely insane bros. I am telling her that they are about to raise interest rates and this will lower prices but she is insisting I buy now before we are priced out. Idk what to do bros.

Attached: condos jpeg.jpg (311x162, 10.07K)

do whatever she says cuz your a bitch ass nigger

You've been married for over 12 years?? Holy shit your life must be miserable

She is a top signal.

I don't know what to do bros. It seems that every decision I make she's there telling me what to do.
If I don't listen to her she yells at me, threatens to leave and take the kids so I just listen to her.

But I don't want to make another retarded financial decision so can someone please tell me what to do thanks.

Never listen to women for advice.

renting with kids lol

This has to be bait.

also, is there some tactic I can use to make her listen to me because she trusts her friends and the internet more than me.
btw have an economics degree but in her eyes she is more qualified to make financial decisions (she's a painter).

it's not I'm serious

easier said than done

She's clearly not thinking it through, and also has no confidence in your ability to make decisions. You could argue this is from your submissive attitude towards her. It was a good decision before, and you'd have made X3 on your investments plus the rent. But is it a good decision now? Do you see these condos becoming worth over $1,000,000? If not then surely there are safer bets as for you this is now only a x2? Personally I wouldn't as the prices are insane, what happens when EVERY house becomes genuinely unaffordable?

It's up to you to figure out how to speak to her without her screaming at you. But there's no point in trying to deconstruct her thought process. I would probably stick to the point that you wanted to do this over 10 years ago and she said no, now the market is too volatile and you don't have confidence in the outcome. It would've been a sound investment before but now it is too big of a risk, and just because she knows people that are doing it doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Divorce is in your future.

> It seems that every decision I make she's there telling me what to do. If I don't listen to her she yells at me, threatens to leave and take the kids so I just listen to her
dude, your fukt.
Leave her and take the kids and live in a new condo you bought.

My city is a hub for chinese money and it's the sole reason why everything is so overpriced. People are complaining that there is a shortage of housing but it really isn't, it's mostly speculators refusing to rent out their properties in order to preserve value and be able to easily flip.

The original plan was not price appreciation but rather to to live in one of the units and rent out the rest giving a nice return on investment.

There is pretty much no way in hell I am sinking my life savings in now.

I had heard about bitcoin back in 2011 and thought that it was a scam but thankfully I invested back in late 2016/ early 2017 @ roughly 1000usd/btc. I have created a sizable portfolio of about 800k at current valuations but again she wants me to sell this fake money and get into something safe like real estate. Thankfully I'm not a retard and did not show her my portfolio.

My intuition is that the fed is going to raise interest rates and thus all assets will be revaluated leading to a good opportunity to buy.
My portfolio stands 60/40 crypto/cash.

beat her you weak cuck subhuman

massive sell signal

Attached: 5Xn0_AA00PpdgnauMqIJQbeo4aaBD0wwGnV5IuPwE5c.png (640x310, 110.32K)

can't divorce her, I'll be ruined and she'll get custody.
you must understand my wife, when I'll try to explain to her rationally about what's going on in the housing market, she immediately finds something to do like go on her phone or suddenly the kids are yelling or she has to check on the cooking. And when she doesn't understand and starts to see that she might me wrong, she yells at me and leaves to her own room.

Smells like a LARP. Every woman wants to own a home and have a place to nest. If you offered in 2010 she would have been all over it.

I used to but her screaming led to one of our neigbours calling the police.

What's on that screenshot?

she wanted a home but one which was way over-budget 1MM+, her dream home and she was fixated on it. I simply could not afford it but now that 1 million dollar house is worth close to 2 million.

So the logic was that they were overpriced, and now that they cost multiple fucking times more, you want to chase?

If you buy make it explicitly clear that its not because of her input. She sounds miserable though, I'd try to just fucking ditch her and get my own cheap small place and a good gf.

seriously don't do it, she's steered by media and her looser friends and can't make her mind up on her own.

time to familiarize yourself with monero

also this

fuck her hard and the moment you creampie her, you tell her that rates will increase and buying houses now is fucking retarded with inflated prices. she will understand then