
do communists invest in crypto?

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Very few and mostly the anarchists or "market socialists" kind. I've read a couple articles and there's a decent Bitcoin podcast (TWBDP) that had a leftist on and to summarize some of their points
>They like the open source aspects of the space
>Stateless and borderless
>Crypto Wallets Amd protocols cannot discriminate
>A Bitcoin standard would reduce the power of banks and governments
Thats about it. Mosts leftists understand crypto is an entirely capitalistic byproduct.

Why does chainlink invest in communists (wef)?

wef is the exact opposite of communist

Because communists understand capitalism better than capitalists themselves.

Because we're Sorelians who defend China and not tranny faggot leftists.

t. NRx Syndical-Communist (real marxist) (extremely based)

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not really, they're just the government in their commie regime

they don't understand it, and its not always their fault

bitcoin is clearly and simply anti-authoritarian, but altcoins like ethereum hide that with a centralized team of leaders, the premine, monetary mutability, so authoritarians, almost exclusively the left wing degenerate kind, feel right at home.

thats why ethereum's community is currently shattering, you have a loud, internet addicted minority of mentally ill estrogen destroyed brains arguing against decentralization.

>captialism in reality
A bunch of guys enslave mindless golems and force them to work for scraps
>communism in reality
A bunch of guys enslave mindless golems and force them to work for scraps

wait a second....

Communists are elitist trash who want to have something special to identify them as special and valuable.
This thing can't be what the otherside hold or value, it must be special and make them feel intelligent and identify them as elite.

Enter crypto, a token that can be used to identify communists as elite and special.
Its not about money, its about identifiers.


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WOW you have no idea what you're posting about the WEF is the World Economic Forum they are the opposite of communist.

DYOR dump fuck.
I would invest in low cap coins and the invest some into nft gaming on Balthazar nft gaming platform. Balthazar teams play with my nfts and i get a share of the winnings daily. They've got axie infinity and more

Yeah no shit, all statism has the same result and it wields violence against you while claiming legitimacy. The economic reality is downstream of the political reality, and ever since fiat was introduced it was a fait accompli, at least until one-way functions were proven and cryptography and cryptocurrency arose.

sure thing buddy

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No. They think it's evil because it just is ok. And so they sit and kvetch over it endlessly.

I'm a communist and I invest in crypto, yes. If I have an opportunity to make money without exploiting, why wouldn't I take it? The revolution isn't coming soon and capitalism is going to be here for a long time anyways. In the grand scheme of things, it's meaningless.

Communism literally doesn't exist

Because they understand that crypto isn`t illegal and could be a fastest means to succeed . I knew a communist who invested in low cap Alt like Sylo and plans to hold it till the Market cap is $1 billion

Same. I'd rather get my money through crypto than participate in a fucked job market. At least in crypto everyone plays the same game with huge profits and losses. Fuck whales tho

>The revolution isn't coming soon

oh there will be a revolution alright... It just won't be the revolution you want

Yes, so he's right