That'll be 1 million USD plus taxes

>That'll be 1 million USD plus taxes

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keep renting cuck

Why don't they just 3D print concrete houses for 10% of the price?

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What I think when I see Americans and their cardboard houses

Attached: burgerhome.jpg (800x900, 223.55K)

american housing is a joke

like 95% of the cost is for the land
just buy the land and build a proper house

like not even pic related since this one is prob only using the brick as a veneer rather than structure
build a real house thats my dream if i make it

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The cost of materials to build that shitbox must be around 5k USD tops.

Plus tip.

>3rd world nigger thinks in terms of children fables.

I'm shocked.

Housing firms will buy it first to keep prices inflated

Housing is expensive on purpose. Can't keep the people enslaved in work/debt if housing were affordable.

This is why I wonder America doesn't opt for a system like Japan where few people actually own the land their house is built on.

You know that shit will rust faster then dry wood will go bad. Good treated wood the is kept dry will last for hundreds of years. Metal will never last that long because stress point will begin to rust.

and here is your new nigger neighbor

I see. That's pretty smart.

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how does the wind not just blow it down

What are you supposed to make houses out of?

Petrified termite dung.

Zoning and property taxes were a mistake. It's unreal how fucking retarded the real estate industry is for thinking that they need to treat every single fucking plot of land like it might be worth a fucktillion dollars if they just hold onto it long enough until some giant company wants it.

Most Europeans have probably never swung a hammer and are talking out of their asses. They all live in commie bloc apartments, they just can't resist shitting on Americans at any possible moment because they can't contain their smugness. My ancestors crossed a fucking ocean to a lost continent full of savages just to get away from Europeans because they're so annoying. Americans are the result of the good Europeans leaving Europe.