How to evade taxes

I made about 85k capital gains in 2020 and transfered them to my bank account. Unfortunately they then froze and I had to tell some guy that it's money I made from crypto. Am I fucked already or can I still evade taxes?

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You literally have 0% tax in your country after a year

germany is ruthless with steuern.
enjoy prison

Bischt du iwie dumm oder so? Was hast du denn gedacht was passiert? Hatte nie Probleme mit kleineren Beträgen aber man ballert doch nicht einfach 85k auf sein Konto.

If they already froze it your fucked
get a lawyer, maybe you can save 30k from that money, rest is gone after lawyer feed and taxes and you potentinally going to jail

Pay your fucking taxes, retard

yes pay taxes faggot those Syrian refugees need the money

This. Hope you lose it all OP.
>Verifikation nicht benötigt

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You need to pay so merkels children can enjoy life, so heating oil can keep going up, so medical care can get worse, and so the traffic cameras can be more persistent and sneaky.

I live in rheinland-pfalz and I fucking hate this country.

if the governments already aware of it, you can't evade unless you straight up want to lie to them and leave a trail that makes you responsible for intentionally evading taxes.

>avoiding taxes in fucking bureaucratopia

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Du Bastard wie hast du 85k gemacht?

lol this
It’s already too late you dumb fuck to evade taxes. Unless you hold them a Year, but you still need to interact with the Behörden after this retarded move.

80k in Crypto machen aber so blöd sein, lass Hirn regnen.

you are retarded asshole, glownigger. They sent you to bring us all down.

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Hodl dir nen Anwalt für Finanzrecht und lern aus deinen Fehlern. in neidisch auf die gains aber bitte, warum haust du dir denn alles auf einmal aufs Konto junge.

Literally impossible
There's nothing some blood sucking demon hasn't already thought of and found a way to make waterproof

>not using a bitcoin ATM

user i..

>want to evade Taxes
>cashing out 85k on his bank account


no it's fucking retarded

Deutsche Banken sind extrem peinlich, du hättest vorher Bescheid geben sollen dass du einen höheren Betrag überwiesen bekommst.

>has gains from crypto , is forced to pay taxes

hahahahahahaah the absolute state of cryptofags