
For some reason, Prince Vegeta is way more over with women's wrestlers than Kakarot

And I really don't know WHY

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women like thinking they can tame a bad boy who'll be good only for them

Rhea's best gear

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you mean women who grew up on cool heels like the cool heel?

This. They all think they're Bulma, but they're mostly just skanks. Except for Dakota Kai. She can get it..


More like tweener

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he started as a heel then became a tweener

Based Ronda

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Bejita is always kneeling and so do women, so it makes sense

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jesus i feel like i had a stroke reading that

Ronda always have the best takes

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Isn't vegeta a shoot manlet?
Not a good look for size queens

This is not a total lie tho

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goku is the lame goodie two shoes, vegeta is the edgy bad boy

bulma is a skank doe

Ronda's shirt is Vegeta literally panicking over Goku

He still the cool bad boy chad


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I love her, bros.

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I'm a brolychad myself

>Still gets all the fangirls
Sizefag bros...

but in real life he has to be tall as well


i have a tattoo of goku wrecking vegeta with the kaio ken

It's simple, girls like Vegeta and boys like Piccolo because Vegeta is the bad boy turned good but not completely so he still has the bad boy thing going for him. Boys like Piccolo because most people who watch DBZ are Mexican or black, so they likely never knew their father and Piccolo serves as their surrogate dad.

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Manlet but got the looks

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Literally not one person over the age of 18 likes Goku more than Vegeta