The biggest happening of our lifetimes

The biggest happening of our lifetimes

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>Russian government
Yeah but, the government of Russia has not done a single thing for their people since they has Tsar's.

i feel like evading sanctions using cryptocurrencies is pretty based for their people.

They gonna bring out big crypto mining and sell oil in bitcones, but they also gonna tax the fuck out of it

russia don't sell Oil they are more into Gas...

If anyone benefits it the former party members, the oligarchs. Thats the reason Russia can never get an economy going.

Holy based, the bull run is starts Feb 18th

2021 kids probably don't understand why it matters that it will be a 'currency' and not a 'financial asset'.

So does this mean I can finally go all in?

I can see the reddit posts now about how Bitcoin is a Russian subversion tactic.

we really are going to 100k

lmao not on the scale of the US. Liberal democracy is just a procedural ritual to ensure the plebs don't notice the oligarchy that is entrenching itself.

We are at a point where Reddit and all the liberal crap will become irrelevant.

I keep waiting for the headline where russia tells mumbles to fuck off cause russia is settling in btc. we gonna be bussin out fo sho

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I agree but there is a difference. They are entrenching themselves, in Russians case, they are completely entrenched. The way things are going, they wont be done by the time they completely kill all credibility the system has.

I don’t know what to make of this. Weren’t they talking about a straight up ban like a month ago.

If true it is huge though. The tables have turned and Russia will be seen as the place of freedom and America the place of oppression.

>we really are going to 100k
XRP? Yes. Its the standard. It will replace Swift. Russia has already been kicked out of Swift which is why they are rolling out an XRP backed economy early.
Bitcoin? Lol no

Maybe to average retards. Anyone that knows anything about Russia knows theres no freedom in that country. If you want to do anything you have to bribe to do it. By the time you are done bribing you dont have any money left to do the thing you wanted to. And thats how Russia still has a GDP less than many American states.

Tee-hee I badmouth my own country to be liked by foreigners too. Maybe don't be so bitter, because you are part of the problem.

there is no difference, only difference is putin has somewhat of a spine. Why do you think globohomo is so blatantly anti ru?
Keith woods has some really bad takes, but this video is decent

>Weren’t they talking about a straight up ban like a month ago.

It's called a shakeout.

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Retards this isn't about Russia bad or good. It's the first time any country with some importance turns crypto into a currency. It can be exchanged almost tax-free.

Russian complied with all the globohomo agenda during the pandemic and they do have a central bank. You are a fool if you think the opera on TV is real.

Wow so weird I'm a Russian now, so random haha


I never said the opera was real. The US is a shithole as well, they are already entrenched and even worse than anywhere else in the world.

yuropoors won't buy gas? time to fire up the gas-powered btc miners

yup. Likewise Russia is forcing the US' hand with this. They know the dollar is weak and when the US starts cracking down on bitcoin, it will implicitly say their currency is under threat.
Russia and China are masters in doing nothing and letting their enemy fuck themself up.

You're right but muh gdp is such a stupid fucking metric
Russia's problem is there's no middle class, only rich people who can afford the bribes and poors who can't

they are looking for swift alternatives in case of sanctions. bullish af, even more bullish when Russia annexes Ukraine and starts using crypto as payment for natural resources.

it's the one big puzzle that Putin so far hasn't solved enough. Thank Yeltsin and his CIA handlers.

>swift alternatives
Literally XRP

>they wont be done by the time they completely kill all credibility the system has.
Are you talking about the United States

they have, their biggest trade partner is China anyway so there's little risk. In fact, it would hurt the dollar and the US if Russia bans the dollar. Nobody in lower Manhattan to see transactions, a reserve currency that falls from 57% to 51% overnight. Under 50% and the petro dollar is dead and all yourinflation comes home.ggcmv

Smart move. Question is if it will bring Americans into counter-offensive to defend their financial hegemony.

Yes, and thats why they have no GDP. Those poors can never elevate themselves. No entrepreneur can ever get off the ground with an idea unless they have a tycoon backing them and taking most of the profits.
Beyond enough, hes done nothing about it. Where are the investigations in to the wealth stolen when the Soviet Union collapsed? There are none. Hes fine with the status quo.

>Russia and China are masters in doing nothing and letting their enemy fuck themself up.
Agreed, very well said user. To be fair, America is run by oblivious, greedy retards. That makes it easier.

lol nah. For now they use Euros where possible, also with China. But they can use digital rubles or digital yuan soon for that too, both are miles ahead with CBDCs. XRP is going to die by way of SEC, nobody wants African nations to stop using dollars.

user I'm depressed af and you actually made me burst laughing

cdbc's suck ass as a global currency, same issues as with petrodollar or eur right now.

Post the link you dumb motherfucker

You know, this is a long shot but he could be on to something.
Recall that XRP had several huge pumps 3 years ago. Those pumps were because they were scamming billionaires in to investing. Those same billionaires sued XRP. I imagine those same well connected billionares still hold big bags of XRP and would like to see a return on their investment. I could see them pressuring Putin to do something that tavors XRP with this new crypto push.

true but imagine the petrodollar isn't here. Everybody would be using their own currencies as much as possible for transactions. To use bitcoin would mean the whole world would have to come together to adopt it. Too many crooks who benefit from currency manipulation to ever let that happen, how ever much I want that world. And the petro dollar will die, China's ascendance and Obama's weaponization by kicking Iran off swift in 2008 signed its death certificate.