
It’s over

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Funny how the market is always on the verge of a crash or recession but keeps going up. Its almost as if the amount of dollars keep increasing and allows prices to keep going up.

He's an xrp schizo

yep, I've been reading fags saying "it's all gonna collapse!" since 2013. At first 2016 was supposed to be the big collapse.

the market will literally never collapse

I want you to look at 2008 and see that drop

I want you to realize this is going to happen again, but the fall will be much worse

You’re all invested in a bubble and living in a bubble

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Mr whale is a retard and needs to be punched in the face

They are banning the ability of the public to know if they are buying or selling stocks.
They aren't banning the ownership of them.

And? 08 is a blip on that chart, it recovered in 2 years. At least reference the 70s or 30s or something that was like a 10 year crap. In the end, they'll print more fiat, that's the one thing you can count on.

And those two Events are nothing more than a blib too, actually you cant even see them in OPs chart

Looks like a good opportunity.
Brothers, aou thinkin what I'm thinkin?

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It recovered because there was a bail out

Covid also got a bail out

There will be no bail out for the coming crash, unless the fed is ok with destroying the US dollar

So you’re betting on hyperinflation and 0% interest rates forever, yeah, very strange bet for you to take

That guy is a scammer and should not be believed.

Stock bullrun confirmed ded.

so would this rule force them to sell all of their individual stock holdings? Or does it just prevent them from buying moving forward?

surely this is the year all humanity technological advancement not only stops forever but actually declines greatly.

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>not controlling for inflation
>not controlling for population growth
>using linear scale over a 100 year time period

This is why i never take you shit eating retards seriously, you totally ignore any and all relevant factors in anything as if it somehow didnt matter whatsoever that the dollar has lost like 99% of its purchasing power since 1900.

We literally are in "hyperinflation" right now. The money supply has been increasing double digits for years. Only the rigged CPI says inflation is single digits. But the fed can't save the dollar. In order to stop inflation the government would have to balance its budget, which yeah that's guaranteed to never happen.

Good luck holding unbacked fiat while the government runs a multi-trillion deficit, regardless of what the fed tries to do.

>t. retard

you don't understand how fiat money creation works, and thats why you think assets will crash. they will not. cause fiat is the real bubble not assets.

It's something

ITT: Swingers vs holders

It's all so tiresome

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Btc Maxis who are going to get absolutely fucked

fiat maxis have been getting fucked since the creation of it.

I want you to look at Fall of the Western Roman Empire and see that drop

I want you to realize this is going to happen again, but the fall will be much worse

You’re all invested in a bubble and living in a bubble

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