How would you launder 120,000 Bitcoins and not get caught?

How would you launder 120,000 Bitcoins and not get caught?

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BTC to XMR atomic swap.

Who would then get the tainted BTC?



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unironically get in contact with a large scale mob organization like the 'Ndrangheta and offer them 60% of it in return for laundering your money. $bil is nothing for a major org

All it takes is some simple social engineering.

people dumb enough to trade XMR for BTC

Sell it to sailor for 50% off

I thought BTC was supposed to eliminate the need for laundering.

don't know, can't you sell to people buying cash all over the world?

>Atomic swap to Monero
>use Monreo to purchase ETH
>create shitcoin on Uniswap
>Shill memecoin and use funds to pump it to the Moon
>memecoin becomes the hottest new coin and gets listed everywhere
>cash out: source of funds? early investor in meme coin

are you like a clueless teenager or just a really dumb individual?

Purchase my own NFTs simple as

i love her

>interesting sir, we see that your seed capital is valued at $3.1billion. Where did you acquire this $3.1billion?

buy a bunch of random altcoins for a year or 2

What's the liquidity like? It'd probably take years to actually swap that much, right?

OTC deals at 30% off

Friends who shill crypto.
> it's anonymous. No one knows who the wallet belongs to.


Can you "atomic swap" 10 figures of crpyto?

Maybe bridge it to eth, and try to slowly swap it, or borrow ETH/XMR against it, then you have something that can be untraceable without having to swap.

Then maybe make a coin or sell NFTs or something to cash out most of it. By the time they really look into it I'd be in a tropical country without an extradition treaty.

Who needs to do 10 figures?

Just do enough to live comfortably and have multi-generational wealth in Bitcoin.