Is there an easy way to make the most with someone else’s hardwork?

Is there an easy way to make the most with someone else’s hardwork?

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Marry him

hire people to do things for you, of course you will need money for that, but at least you are not going to work

I would like to be a woman just to marry a rich man who gives me a lot of money

invent a time machine to go to the past and bring slaves to the present and have them do your work for you

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Prom does similar shit with celebrities, i hear they don't get paid very well

at least that little that is given to them is not quite "little" they are actors after all, they are basically paid to exist

I am more concerned about the fact that the entire market is filled with simps or normies who put up money just to see some retarded actor

they are not completely slaves but i think they work, at least they are not paid as they should, that feeds my ego

nobody wants celebrities selling their asses to crypto, i mean who would pay that much for bums?

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that type of public is worth for crypto things kek

We are talking about unpaid work, not human rights

We don't have either, literally we either work or die

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they get pay more than they need to, they are fucking millionaires

it can be profitable but eugh i would hate to have to listen to my fucking classmates talking about crypto over and over again

at least we're better off than any nigger in this fucking world

That doesn't matter, i would rather not get paid, i hate actors/celebrities

are you an incel? kek

slavery still exists and they are 9 to 5 jobs

>Becoming a pimp

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instead of being concerned, you should take advantage of it

flipping nfts is exactly that, except it is a real crapshoot and lightning in a bottle type projects (BYAC) are hard to find. Just buy and flip things you think look cool

oh honey why do you think OF is such a hit? people will always pay for bums, especially if they are famous bums

then drop your school