Punk isn't a dra-

>Punk isn't a dra-

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I don't like him so he isn't

Punk is probably AEW's biggest draw, but he wasn't advertised for the show and only showed up for 30 seconds in MJF's segment, so this show doesn't really prove anything one way or the other.

2.0 was the draw, dummy

>Punk isn't advised for the show
>Does over a million
Phil confirmed anti-draw.

dumb ESL

>According to this, they held the starting Q1 demoz level to Q8


Attached: lil pajeet.png (493x429, 123.95K)

Demo was pretty much completely stable throughout.

Attached: dynamite22322qs.jpg (2048x1487, 325.32K)

Phil wasn't advised on the show in either a match or a ego stroking promo. The increase it purely from MJF. This proves two things. One, MJF is the draw in this feud, not Phil. Two, CM Phil is not a draw, hence the show doing over a million despite their apparent mega star not being on it.

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dumb ESL

Then explain to me how all the previous weeks - excluding TK's mega, ultra, super special debut and announcement - and the massive drop whenever Phil had a segment? Also explain to me how his first ever match against MJF, with two months build, only drew 50k and that episode of Dynamite was lowest rated episode since the move to TBS?

Attached: biggestboxofficedraw.jpg (1536x2048, 461.72K)

dumb ESL

I accept your concessions.

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dumb ESL

>and the massive drop whenever Phil had a segment

Attached: massive drop.png (800x581, 190.61K)

Ah yes. You mean that segment which began with MJF and the Pinnacle and had the boost of the Big Bang Theory? And then Punk promised a mystery tag partner on a show that was meant to be have one or two debuts? And what's this? His partner was Moxley? A guy who has just returned and has a record of actually drawing? Fascinating - great megastar you got there. Also, look at that opening segment again, nearly too 200k people tune out, chased away by Phil. Once again, great draw you got there.

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>Boomers fuck off
>Demo stays the same
How are you supposed to appeal to boomers? They did great promos, which boomers allegedly like. They had proper technical wrestling, which boomers also allegedly like. Yet boomers kept dropping.

>Every single drop is Punk's fault exclusively and every single increase is because of everybody except Punk.
I don't think you care about ratings. I think you just don't like CM Punk.

>lead-in boost cope
>promise mystery partner cope
>the partner from outside is the draw, not the original roster member cope
I think you got your shows confused user

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You don't. Khan has said multiple times he doesn't care about the total viewership at all and if he doesn't care, Turner probably doesn't either. You just make the show to try to appeal to the demographics you want to get.