Society has conspired to ruin me before I even began

I graduated from university pre-med in December. Now they have ruled federally that all healthcare workers must get genetic poison shots. All of healthcare is now off limits to me, because I refuse to be goyim cattle. I trained four years rigorously to have my career ripped out from under me halfway through. I didn't even enjoy it because the coursework was so hardcore and medical school expectations are insane, so I didn't have time to party like libarts fags or business students who twiddle thumbs to get A's.

Combined with the ongoing financial crisis that began before my birth, in which my forebears willingly dealt with the Jews to destroy the economy and my parents wasting my inheritance on vacations twice a year while I was in college, a stereotypically boomer move. Now they will die in poverty like me, yet I never even set out the door. I also have debt but that doesn't matter because the kikes won't see a dime of it. Inflation since covid began is up 25% and that's a conservative estimate. Small business was systematically obliterated by the lockdowns which could come back at any time they feel like it.


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The shot isn't that bad. If your future depends on it, you should take it.

If getting vaxxed makes you goyim cattle, most jews are goyim cattle.

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At least i am here for you fren

Don't get demoralised. Fight.

I should mention that I'm a straight white male too, so I'm at a disadvantage to begin with in regard to employment quotas, let alone university applications. I only made it to a top 30 school by pure academic achievement, such that they couldn't possibly ignore me in favor of a femoid or shitskin third worlder with a fraction of my intelligence.

I also don't have a family to look forward to because women have been turned into whores by mass social media programming. The only female I found that was (probably) a virgin came from a literal welfare queen household of fat drug addicts. I fought her dysgenic familial influences for four years before deeming it a lost cause, can't turn a broken hoe into a housewife so why bother.

Not much else to say. They want me dead.

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We're living through an awful time soul-wise.

lol get rekt motherfucker, that's what you get for being a nutless cuck. this time around grow a pair of balls and do whatever the fuck you want to do. desu you would have had better opportunities from partying with the right people

average jews have been the biggest goys the whole time.

Say you're a gay or transgender demimexican, they won't question it.

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Get into sales. Learn how to be persuasive. You'll make more money, be more confident, and have more fun.

I have better marks than both of those pooskins. Not that it matters now.

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Yeah I'll just sell insurance for shekelberger, sounds very fulfilling.

Heck, you could probably get a Rachel Dolezal makeover and claim to be a pale skinned mulatto. Picture related, a black woman next to her white passing mulatto daughter.

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Also my family is now abandoning me and moving to Florida because Glenn Beck told them to. Not a joke, they think there is a political solution there. So I don't even have a base to work and build wealth now, I'll have to rent for 75% of my goycheck because housing is in a worse bubble than 2008.

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Cool blog post, cry more fag

You are still allowed a religious exemption. Not sure how easy it will be to apply for one as a new doctor but at least you are in demand. Worse case you find a rural job somewhere other doctors don't want to work until this blows over.


Problem is they make you submit to testing every week. Not to mention the mask and social regulations. I'm not dealing with any of that kikery. I spent the latter two years of university doing online classes so as to avoid having to follow their gay campus mandates. No doubt the medical schools will have gay mandates as well.

No, that's not an option.

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Who does? Not where I'm working. I think that was in the general wagie order that got struck down.

The healthcare portion the supreme court upheld mandated jab or testing + restrictions for all institutions receiving federal funding (i.e. all of them.)

Most hospitals and universities do it of their own volition though. They are the ones dispensing the propaganda in the first place.

you sound like an egotistical nigger that read plato for the first time the other week

I'm working at a hospital as we speak on a night shift. There's no plan to make exempt workers start getting tested. Life is essentially back to normal except for the faggy masks