Any based algerians here?

Win rakoum

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i am half algerian and half czech (also live in czech), sup bro



lmao sage

Salam Wa3laykoum brother, WAGMI

I take that back.

shitskins are alright.

I'm probably whiter than you, almost half of Algeria is white, I'm a blue eyed Kabyle

I love the future of finance
So many defi opportunities to be had from dumping on financially illiterate third worlders

What do they think of cigany (like you) over there?

Hope you guys still are opposed to Shitrael, I was disappointed when I heard Morocco was selling out to the kikes.

i look more czech than arabic and my name doesn't sound too exotic either, so nobody really knows I am not czech unless I tell them.
but in general, muslims and arabs are mostly hated here

>I wuz nordic and whiter than you
>My country is so nordic that almost half of it is white
You sound more brazilian than algerian

Yes, the Eastern bloc is pretty based. I'm guessing your mom is Czech and your dad is Arab...?


Knew it. Why is it always women.

since so many arabs/africans etc. are here - why do you hate your own people so much and only try to fuck each other over? why are you people so corrupt?

they're not capable of making rational decisions and need someone else to lead them

arabs arent really much like that due to influence of islam. youre thinking somalis and other scum with no moral codes in their society.

but you guys always have those dictators that steal all your money and let you live in dirt while they reside in big palaces

i mean yeah, but that's just the result of the law that power corrupts. show me any charitable country leader in the world

i'm moroccan and i reported this thread as off-topic

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jose mujica, ex president of uruguay

but the problem is why do you allow this? don't you guys have schools to teach your children some politics and economics?

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E-BVLLS strike again

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most arabic countries are underdeveloped af, for an example like 4/5 of my family in algeria live in rural areas and they get like 6-9 years of basic education at most

6-9 years? middle european mandatory education ends after 8 years and you can decide if you want to work or continue school