What do you guys think about scalpers? Do they provide an valuable economic service?

What do you guys think about scalpers? Do they provide an valuable economic service?

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yeah they piss of gaymers and consoomer nigs while making money in the process


They put in the effort to obtain desirable products and sell them to you at your convenience for a fee, sounds pretty based and valuable.

a lot of scalpers will end up like this

Attached: file.png (640x356, 249.43K)

I managed to get a few PS5s for $800.
Decided to flip them for $1500.
Keep in mind on eBay they were going for $2000+.
I got death threats from grown adults over a game system.
They called the cops for "price gouging" and the retarded pigs actually came.
I upped the price to $2000.

They will be regulated out of business in due time. A unique problem to internet transactions.

they're doing what they got to do to make money, nothing wrong with that. If you want to blame someone blame the broken ass easily exploitable system that lets them buy playstations on mass.

Yes, where Companies are not allowed to ajust price to control demand Scalpers fill that niche so a product is constantly available, albeit at an extremely inflated price

they literally and objectively do not provide an economic service. they are purely middlemen

This is true, I had no problem reserving a Steam Deck. Granted, I'm going to resell it for x3, but I only pre-ordered one not the entire inventory. This shit is only allowed because Sony allows it. If they required a unique PSN account that was 3 months old these would be in the hands on consumers not sitting in a garbage somewhere.

When individuals have a product and set their price it's gouging, scalping, and needs to be outlawed.
When billion dollar corporations do it its the free market.

Other factors to consider, taxes and regulation (CISG, UCC, etc) that these guys are currently subverting. Their actions make them defacto merchants, that Sony is subjected to, I'm sure that is also going to be a point for legislation in the future. Also wouldn't be surprised if the IRS comes knocking in some fashion.

damn those scalpers many of them are getting broke! I'd better invest to some passive income that would be slow but its a sure profit for me. Teneo is the future of passive earnings.

yeah I guess. if you have to have something at least you have the option to overpay.

>If they required a unique PSN account that was 3 months old
that's a pretty good idea, also could see some globohomo verifiable blockchain digital ID in the future that you will probably need to buy shit online.

It's what Steam did with the Deck and if you had a legit acct you had no problem getting one


already expired tech

I have been scalping EVERYTHING electronic in my country for almost two years. I have bots on all major electronics sites during product launches and buy fucking tons. I rent airbnb's during launches to have multiple addresses in major cities to get X per customer products many times over. I made more money doing this than I ever did working at high end jobs and I piss off every gaymer manchild fuckwit out there, even more so because they get outbid by miners to completely price them out for years. If you aren't doing this in the US where it's even easier to scalp you are a fucking retard and should use second amendment to kill yourself.

I think they are faggots BUT its ultimately the buyers who are fucking things up by caving to their prices and encouraging more rampant hoarding and scalping. TLDR scalping is bad and trying to rob a scalper is also niggerish.

its only gouging when its a necessity (like food, water, fuel, etc). sick of all the karens screeching about the "gouging" of luxury goods.

absolutely not. Complete scum